Sass Master vs Comeback King

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But you stood your ground damn it. You opened your mouth with venom on your mind. He wasn't going to expect you were about to say.

I stomped loudly and he stopped mid remark. He grinned, "So, what do you got bitch. What roast do you have that will bring me down?" I just now realized everyone in the room was staring, and its a really big room. I also noticed the loud echo as I could clearly hear a few peoples whispers. Things like how Sans was the Comeback King. How he could roast better than fire. Other stuff like that. So I'm basically standing against a god at his own power. What have I gotten myself into?

I couldn't think of anything, my mind was avoid of anything as a awkwardly stand there. The only insult coming being the most basic. Gotta start some where. "You suck!" Ugh, such cringe...

"Heh heh, and you swallow." It took me a second to get what he was saying. Holy shit. No, he did not just say that! Ugh, now I feel dirty. Not backing down now though! I'm gonna take a shower after this.

"Ha, are you trying to offend me? Well your face is already doing that for you." Yes, there you go me. Good job. Mental high 5.

"You must have been born at the pound you son of a bitch." He retorted. Yea no hunbun, you can't say that.

"Ha, I'm not a son. I mean you should be smart, your dad being a scientist and all." Yes, bring on the sass. Bring it all!

"I AM smart. And how did you know my dad was a-" I cut him off, I have a real good one.

"What's the universe made out of?" I asked. I already knew, I mean, I did study the art of the comeback for my 15 mins before starting to write this chapter.

"Oh thats easy. Neutrons, Protons, and Electrons." He answered matter of factly.

"You forgot something. In surprized because its what you are." He just gave me a real confused blank stare, "morons." I stated simply. His blank stare turned into an even blanker stare, but I could tell he was pretty pissed.

"You know, your ass must be so jealous of all the dhit spewing out of your mouth." He grit his teeth. Yea, he was definitely pissed.

"Yes. But guess what, the only girl to say I love you is your mom." I sneered. That was a mistake. He didn't even hide the fact he was pissed anymore. And, are those tears I see? I'm sorry, does he not have a m- oh... I'm a grade A idiot. Wait, how do skeletons reproduce then?

"Your family tree must be a goddamn cactus because its just full of pricks like you!" Yes tears... So many tears just streaming down his skull. I feel kinda bad. Oh wait, no I don't. Hello, this assholes father killed not only my mom, but also my dad too! All I did was make a stupid joke.

I was about to say something else, but he held his finger up to my mouth to shut me up. "No, I don't wanna fucking hear it. Your probably just gonna say something to waste my precious time."

"I really wish I could say nice things to you but, 'sadly' I'm a truthful person." I pushed his hand away and crossed my arms.

"Oh yea, how long did it take you to come up with Thad one? All fucking night?" He scoffed, and has stopped crying at this point. Although I over here was still feeling guilty over mentioning a sensitive topic. Thought I'm still kinda not. I couldn't cone up with anything. Just as I was about to call myself the sass master to.

"Ha, you got nothing? I guess I win this then, hmm." The smirking idiot just left after that, leaving me with very complex feeling and thoughts. Ugh.. What is happing to me?

(Yea ok, I need to update, but its midnight. Holy fuck, um. Here you go, a lazy half assed filler chapter because I'm too tired to care about my 1000 word goal)

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