wow, look at author actually writing a seasonal chapter

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I get done with my cake, then Asriel sits at my table across from me. Looks like he has something to say. I stay sitting and wait for him to say what's on his mind.

"So um, hey." Asriel finally said after like a 15 min awkward silence.

"Like and um stuff." I say jokingly and get a small chuckle out of Asriel.

"So Valentines day is coming and um..." Asriel trails off. That's when Chara cones and sits with us making Asriel not the happiest.

"But it isn't even close to Feb-" I cut her off.

"Shhhh, it doesn't matter when this story is set. Author-chan said that its February so she can write this chapter. So shit up Chara." I smoosj her face around with my finger as I silence her.

"Author who? What are you talking about?" Yea, she's confused. Too bad she isn't self aware. Haha..

"Anyway! Like I was saying, Valentines day is coming and I was wondering if you had a valentine." Asriel broke the silence yet again.

"Hm? Currently no." I answer simply and wait for him to continue.

"Well perhaps maybe you could be my..." He trailed off again.

"Come on As get it out! Its just 3 simple words!" Chara chuckled at Asriel's flustered face. That's when Asriel started nibbling to himself more. Oh man, please someone help out this poor goat.

"What I'm trying to say is to go to the Valentines day dance tomorrow you have to have a valentine and I've never gone before so I thought now would finally be the year I go." I'm impressed in how he said that all in one breath, "so?"

"Eh, sure why not. Chara who are you going with?" I see Asriel having a little mini celebration to himself and its honestly adorable. He is adorable. He's such a little dork.

"Me? I'll find someone. The rules say you have to go with someone, they never said you had to stay with them." Leave it up to Chara to find a loop hole in everything, "speaking of the dance, Frisk suggested that we help find outfit for each other. She also said that Sans and Asriel could do the same. If Asriel found a valentine that is." Chara teased. I said sure and Asriel looked a little nervous but also agreed. Probably to not be left out.

The 3 of us make our way to the giant warehouse of clothes.

"So you guys took up the offer I made. Great! We're going to have so much fun." Frisk giggled giddily and rushed over to us. Sans calmly walked over, cigarette in mouth. Ew.

"In surprised Asriel and the newbie got valentines." Sans smirked at Asriel, obviously teasing/mocking him. Chara, that's fine, but Sans, nhes too much of a butt to let that slide with me.

"I don't understand why everyone likes to pick on poor Asriel. Its like you're treating him as the underdog. The comic relief. Well guess what, that's frickin my job. So leave the smol innocent goat child alone." I snapped. Everyone was kinda shocked, but that OK. Standing up for what's right just feels really good. "Oh and by the way, your wondering how we both got valentines. Well listen up, underdogs stick together. That's frickin how." I turned heel and dragged Asriel away. He doesn't need to be by that fake friend Sans. Sans can figure out his own life, and he doesn't need to harm Asriels.

"So there's been a change in plans. You and Chara will help each other and I can help Asriel. Sans will be with Papy instead." Frisk said a little awkwardly. I like these plans more.

Frisk takes Asriel to where there might be some clothes of his interest. Me and Chara go to all the red clothes. Yes red. If you don't like red, well oh well. Its valentines day. I mean, I guess you can substitute with pink or something... Bug if you like Gaster!Sans I found you might not like pink.

So we go to the shades of red. She picks out a dress that comes to about the knees. Its mostly a darker red, with a lighter red pattern on the edge of it.

I on the other hand pick out um... You know what, use your creativity and come up with your own outfit. Just make sure its a nice shade of red. And its not eyebleeding. Or whatever, I don't control you.

We take our dress back to our rooms. Chara goes out to find someone to be her "valentine". I just hang out and read. What do I read? Whatever the Frick you're into. I'm not juding. It could be Japanese tentle porn manga for all I care.

But then! I yawn. I'm tired. Buy Author-chan still has like 200 words to fit so.. Yea. Let's see how long this creativity can last.

I put my book down as I hear a loud strong knock on the door. I open my door to find a buff blue fish lady standing in my doorway.

"I'm sorry. Fish steroids are down the hall, you're in the wrong place." As u go to close the door she places her foot in it. Oh boi.

"Haha! Don't be foolish. Did you already forget about the war? I'm Undyne and I'm here to train you so you don't get hopelessly torn to shreads in the battle field." She had a huge grin on her face.

"Oh right Undyne. I'm sorry but you're a few chapters too early. You see, the while valentines thing is supposed to go on for 2 chapters. 1 tonight and the other tommorrow. Then you know, other stuff. So um, cod you go back into the depths of bad plotting and wait a little bit." I explained to the overly confused fish.

"Uh, wut" she was baffled to say the least.

"I said go. Like right now." I pushed her out the door and locked it ready to have a nice sleep.


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