The Question

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"So it's settled, I just we're going to just ask." Chara saw the others egarness. She still hesitated though since I was very nervous. I was going to meet the king of all monsters.
Guess only time will tell what happens.

So here we are, standing in front of the office of the king of an entire race. I guess you could say I was slightly nervous. Only a bit. Oh who am I kidding, I was internally screaming. Chara knocked, and the door was opened. I may have just had a mini heart attack. One glance up from his work, and the king was instantly not happy with my exsistance. He stood up from his chair and walked towards us. I felt like a speck compared to him, he was so huge. (That's what she said) I shrank back a little. I could easily say that I was very intimidated.
"Hey dad, we have a question. Could Y/N stay here with us monsters?" Asriel asked. Then the king looked even less happy.
"Son, what of she's a spy for the humans? Or, even worst yet sent to kill us all in our sleep?!" The king was highly enraged and about to tell his guards to kick me out, but Chara butt in.
"Mr. Dad Guy please. She's my childhood best friend! I've known her practically all my life. This the not only a Y/N, but the Y/N." I was apparently a pretty big deal, because the king looked taken aback and quickly apologized for his unjust behavior.
"Well if you're the Y/N, then you must stay here. As long as your ok with that." He gave me a kind smile whereas Chara, Asriel, and Frisk all had convincing looks to have me stay.
"Of course I'm staying! This is my best friend and family!" I pointed to Chara and Frisk. A huge weight had been lighted off my shoulders. Now, where was I going to sleep?
"You are going to have to ask my wi-" he cuts himself off and stops to think, "Toriel. You're going to have to ask Toriel about your sleeping arrangement. I have lots of work as you can see, and I'm positive Chara would be more than happy to show you around." He smiled again, pat Chara's head, then went back to his desk to start working again.
"Let's go to goat mom now to give her the great news!" Frisk bounced excitingly and started to pull Chara and mines arms. She was trying to go to Toriels office, which was really close by, but me and Chara didn't move.
I mean, "I would like to walk on my own thank you."
She let go and continued to bounce, "alright, let's just hurry up!" We all made our way to Toriels office. Chara knocked on the door yet again, and yet again the door opened.
"Oh, I see you have found Chara my child. Very well. I'm assuming you want to know if there are any rooms you could stay in." How did she know!? "Well we most certainly do! It may not be close to anyone you know currently, but soon enough I'm sure you will be great friends with him!" She gave me a key with the tag 564 on it. Chara looked over my shoulders.
"Oh, that's by Papy's room! I know where that is! Come, I will take you there." She giggled and started walking in its direction.
"Hey guys, we have training right about now, so we'll see you later!" Asriel and Frisk walked to the gym I'm assuming. Soon enough we arrived at my new room. It was huge! Well, compared to what I'm used to. I actually used to be on the humans side, till I found out how crewl they were even to their own kind. The room I had there was barely one forth the size of this one. Not to mention I shared it with like 5 other guys. It was only guys.
I walked in and ploped myself down on the bed. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it was way better than what we had at the human base.
"I can see your enjoying yourself." Chara giggled, "I'll give you some time to settle in. I'll be in my room if you need me, alright?"
I nodded to Chara, and she left. I honestly wasn't listening though. Like I had said, the bed might not be the best in quality compared to some other things, but it sure as hell was way better then the crappy bunk beds we had in the human base. It also undoubtedly beats the hard, cold concrete I slept on when I was in the neutral stage.
So my neighbors, I should probably go meet them soon. Or I could just take a quick nap and meet them when I wake up. Yea, I have no control over my body. I was too tired. Surprisingly war takes a lot out of a person. Who would have ever guessed.
Like I was saying, its like my body is in auto pilot. I could take control, but that's too much effort. So I just let it do what it does best.
I can hear my neighbor's voice through the thin walls of my room as I slowly start to doze off. A few z's won't hurt anyone right? Right. I think about all of todays events, being that I probably won't wake up until morning. It is quite late.
I remembered that falling for Sans. In the literal sense of the word, because reader-chan this is a slow burn and people in real life don't just fall in love on the first day.
I remembered how happy I was when I reunited with Chara. Probably the first actual happiness I've felt in years.
I remember first meeting Asriel, and his quirky character. You can't forget about also seeing Frisk again. To be honest I'm having mixed feelings about Frisk. Yes, she's my cousin, but she also kinda started this war. Hmm, I'll have to look into that lat-

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