ded? not ded?

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Oh jeez, authors not feeling up to the task of her 1,000 word goal. That sucks, um bye.

Slow camera zoom on a grave with simply 'R.I.P Author'. Y/N, Chara and Frisk all stay around the grave with flowers in their hands.

"She never even got to the actual romance." A single tear feel from Chara's red on red  puffy eyes. Frisk stood there nodding in sadness as Y/N seems kinda relieved? Wait, bish excuse me?

"Heh, thank god my lips won't have to touch that skeletons crustyness. Praise the death of beloved Author-chan for it has done me a great service." Y/N practically laughed at the occasion.

"How could you say something like that when reader is listening? You Know, whether Author-chan is dead or alive we still have to continue the story no matter what? I mean imagine how upset reader would be if we didnt. They would be devastated." Frisk whined at Y/N's lack of really any empathy in this situation.

"You mean those who literally left or dont exist? I really don't think anyone would care if this story was never updated again, and even Author-chan was like, ' maybe I should just stop and do something more towards my liking.' Well, before she died and all. So I dont think we should push it and just leave it to be what it is. I can go home, or maybe jump off a building or something, and everything would go back to the way it was. I really am only here because I was forced against my will, but now I can frickin ditch this place and die already." Y/N explained.

"No," Chara stared off into the distance dramatically, "we will take this seriously and complete the story, it'll grow super popular and everyone will love it and we will make Author-chan happy where ever she is right now."

"Probably hell" Y/N bluntly remarked.

"Um, guys?"

"Author-chan you're alive!" Frisk cheered as she cried salty tears of joy.

"wait, but what's the grave for then?" Chara asked, or more or less thought put loud.

Author-chan walked to the grave and wiped off some gray paint. The grave now read, 'R.I.P Author's will to live'.

"wait, but I thought you never had one." Y/N recalled.

"uuuuuummmmmm, you would be very right, but um you see, I thought it would be funny because it never Existed." Author-chan explained to the very confused trio.

"Wow you're so funny Author-chan." Y/N sarcastically stated as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"So um, are we gonna contiune the plot or what. We've all just kinda been sitting here talking about the death of your will to live." Chara sheepishly laughed.

"You mean the thing that never existed?" Author-chan corrected.

"Right, yeah, sure. But um, the story. Half the chapter is practically gone to your shinagins!" Charaa  exclaimed.

"I'm hurt, but um, lets go I guess." Author-chan shrugged befre using her author black magic to allow the story to continue.

Y/N was magically teleported back to her ball in the corner in the middle of no where in the base.

~Y/N's POV~

I wake up with dried tears still around my face and on my face. Oh right, I'm still McFrickin lost.

"You don't look like you belong here." a dark chuckle came from the same voice that said the statment. Oh noes. It's the assless asshole.

"And what is it to you?" I retorted wiping the miosture off my face, standing up to face the shit eating grin he donned.

"Oh y'know, just making my daily rounds delivering stuff to people and whatnot. Then I just so happen to see a lovely familiar face sleeping in the corner of a place she deffinitly shouldn't be in. The even better part is that it seems she was in a pool of her own tears. Don't i have the right to be curious?" Another fukin chuckle. Imma kill dat boi. Gonna kill him ded.

"How many fuking pictures did you take you fuking asshole?" I growled, clearly not wanting to deal with this for I had just woken up.

"Not exceeding the limit~" He pretty much sang with and innocent smile.

"So you didn't take any at all because I'm pretty sure it isn't normal to take pictures of people while they sleep." Like I said, I'm not takin no shit from no one.

"Heh, whatever. You know I literally could just leave you here and you could starve in the little corner of yours for all I care." He spat and began to walk away. Panic set in. Here goes nothing...

Droping down to my nees I begged, "PLEEEEAAAAASSEEE HELP ME. I PROMISE TO NEVER BE A SARCASTIC POOP TO YOU EVER AGAIN, JUST PLEASE DON'T LET ME STARVE." I then proceeded to latch myself onto his leg so it would be impossible to shake me off. He just gave me a 'wtf' face as I stared at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Ok fine jeez, just, please get off my leg." He cringed and tried to move the leg I was clinging to. Immeditly I stood up and just looked at him with a complete poker face as if I didn't cling to him like a frickin fangirl.

"You're in training, right?" He asked. I simply sighed and nodded my head, not really feeling like I really need it, "Well the gym is really far from here. I don't even know how you ended up here. But let's just go." He walked in the direction I presumed was the gym, as much as I didn't want to go. He seemed to notice my discomfort with the situation, but didn't say anything like a butt face.

We stopped in front of the gym doors after a long ass walk. How did I even end up there? I guess everything was kinda a blur after thoe black berries. Healthy food does stuff to ya mayne.

"Here we are." He stated and looked ahead towards the door, "Have fun I guess." Then for the final time he went to leave to do something else.

"What, going to make out with Frisk or something." I saltily scoffed and walked towards the door.

He stopped and turned his head. Oh shit.

"Exuse me?" He growled sounding almost a mixture of affended and hurt. It was very slight and mostly unnotiable tho. Unless you have Author-chan on your side. Sorta.

"I said you're probably gonna do the [insert Lenny face] with Frisk or whatever." I rolled my eyes going to open the door. He stands there for a bit before shaking his head and walking away to  who knows where.

I re-enter the gym meeting and very angery sushi lady. Well shit.

heh, wow, Is that some frickin seriousness I see. Wait, minimal typos? Author-chan what the frick. Why is this story being taken seriously again? Somewhat. In a way. I guess. Oh well.

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