Chapter Seven

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-Dean Matthews POV-

I finished my sprint into the edge of the city when I had to shift back to continue my search for my mate. I could tell that whatever had happened had stopped now because the pain was only lingering and the waves in the air were becoming fainter with every step I took closer in that direction.

I ran down the streets as fast as I could in human form and soon I began to pick up on her smell. It was better than anything I had smelled before, but that wasn't the point right now. I had to find her. The wind started to pick up as I ran, so I ran harder almost like I was trying to out run the wind, so I wouldn't lose the trail. But as I sprinted it was like the wind started to pick up, too, blowing faster than me shifting her scent away from where it was leading me and scattering it, making it impossible for me to trace.

"Keep on this road. Maybe you can still catch up." My wolf side said.

"That makes no sense, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have sex in a gutter." I retorted but received no reply back so I kept on the road like it suggested.

I ran and ran with still no trace of her when I passed by an alley where her smell was so strong she could still be here. But with hers another smell lingered, it was much fainter but still present and I could tell it was male. I was almost thrown into a rage when I noticed small hairs stuck in the cracks of the brick wall to my left and two pieces if a winter coat laying on the ground on either side of the place on the wall where the hairs were. I bent and picked them up and smelled my mate all over the two pieces when suddenly a loud snarl echoed down from the end of the alley.

My head snapped up to be greeted with a gray wolf snarling and stalking its way towards me so I turned, and saw a man standing at the end I had come in from.

"Don't move, Trespasser." The man said and cautiously walked towards me while the wolf closed in from behind me, "What are you doing on my land?"

"I sensed my mate and came in search of her." I told him not wanting to be ripped to shreds. The man came closer and I recognized him as Alpha Kent of the Light Skies Pack, "I apologize for trespassing, Alpha Kent."

"Your apology is accepted and your reasoning is understandable but you must still pay your debt for coming onto my land unannounced. For that you must stay off my land until we meet for the multi-pack meetings in the fall." Alpha Kent told me.

"But my mate is on your land, I will find her then immediately be off your land." I said hoping he'd let me find her.

"I'm sorry, but no. It is part of the price you must pay for trespassing. My beta will see to it that you make it off my land and if you come back the punishment will be much more severe." He said then began his walk back towards the mouth of the alley.

"That's six months away." I called to him.

"Get off my land, Young Alpha Dean. I will not tell you again." He said not even turning back to me.

"God dammit!" I yelled and threw my fists against the brick wall cutting up the side of my arms and hands.


•Six months later•

-Monica Thompson's POV-

I finished brushing my hair and gathered it over my left shoulder as it was now long after six months of keeping it healthy and using special hair products. I brought my hair up in a twist and pinned it with a large clip, holding it to the back of my head. I added my hoop earrings and diamond studs then stood and brushed my hands over my black pencil skirt, smoothing any present wrinkles. We had been asked to dress nice for the visiting packs today, there would be two of them as all three packs are in an alliance.

The whole pack doesn't come onto our lands it's just the highest or most influential pack members so that if anything ever happens we know who they are and they have an idea of who we are. After they visit us our higher ups will visit their packs. So it we will be meeting the Alpha, Beta, and Delta and if there is an alpha's son or daughter taking over soon we will meet them, too.

I gave myself a once over, making sure I was presentable. My skin glowed in health, I no longer had bags under my eyes, and I was eating. I've been healthy for months now, almost starting right after... the day in the alley.

"Enough with the memories. Keep a sharp eye out today." My other side told me.

Keeping what I was told in mind I walked out of my bedroom and made my way to the front hall where we would greet the visitors. When I reached the hall people kept whispering. Whispering of who was coming or that they were pulling into the drive, which they were. There was a knock on the door and everyone turned to greet the visitors.

I was tapped on the shoulder just as Beta Clark opened the door, I turned to see Alpha Kent standing there, "Will you go to the basement and turn the air conditioning on? I forgot to this morning and its going to get warm in here with the end of summer heat and all the people in the house."

"Of course I will Alpha Kent." I said and bowed my head then made my way towards the basement door. I walked down the concrete stairs and made my way to the thermostat. I'm not sure why it was in the basement but it had a pin code to go with it, my guess is its down here so that nobody can just mess around with it whenever they want.

I put in the pin code and turned on the air conditioning.

Error Code: 72940 Air conditioning is already functioning.

I went over to feel the nearest air vent and sure enough, it was already cold. I made my way back upstairs ad saw everyone was still in the hall when Alpha Kent noticed me again. Since he couldn't come to me personally he used the mind-link.

"Last two things: go out back and make sure the tables are set up then take the food trays from the kitchen counters and set the up on the tables."

"Yes, Alpha." Was my reply then went out back to do as I was told. It wasn't like he was commanding me, it was just a matter of respect and its something that needed to be done.

I checked the back and saw the tables were put up, table cloth, center piece and all. So then I made my way to the kitchen to get the platters. The platters were right where they were said to be so I grabbed those and made my way back the the yard and set them on the tables. I was only able to take two at a time and there was seven so I had to make a couple more trips by the time I was done everyone had begun to file into the back yard to get the 'party' started. Really we were all just milling around talking and having fun, it wasn't like a business meeting just like we were all meeting each other.

Most of the pack members ha mad they're way outside by now so that probably meant that the other pack higher ups had made their way out, too. I cut across the yard making my way over to where Camille and my cousin Jordan were. Half way there I smelled something. I smelled my mate.

He is here.



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