Chapter Fourteen

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-Monica Thopsons POV-

Science could very possibly be the most boring class that we have to take. I was resting my head in the palm of my hand, trying to get comfortable in the desk and listening the Mr. Chris go on and on about something in outerspace. He flicked off the lights and started playing a video and the narrator had a really deep voice as we "took a trip through outerspace." The school year had started little over a month ago and I was ready to be done with this class before it had even started.

I was blankly staring at the screen when something smacked me in the back of the head. I turned and saw a ball of paper on the ground and picked it up while narrowing my eyes at the most likely culprit sitting in the very back corner of the room, Dean. He was slumped back in his chair with his arms folded over his chest causing his muscles to protrude more so than normal and was looking around the room pretending to act like he hadn't just hit me in the back of the head with a crumpled piece of paper. I watched him glance over to see if I had pick up the note and when he saw me glaring at him he smiled that smile that set off the once small butterflies, from just being in the same room as him, into much larger ones. He lifted one hand from his crossed arms and waved at me at that I flipped back around and opened the crumpled note as quietly as possible.

He really needed a lesson in how to fold a note properly.

When I finally got it open with minimal noise making I saw his this thick scrawl written across the top line.

-Hi :)

-I am so freaking bored.

I replied and turned around to chuck it back at him and took notice of the skinny brunett furiously fluttering her eyelashes trying to get his attention as he was remotely turned in her direction but his focus wasn't on her, it was else where. It was on me. I chucked the note and turned back around blushing. I concluded the heat in my cheeks being due to the heat of the room. Then Dean chuckled and I could literally feel the vibrations from his laugh come in waves across the room, causing the temperature to rise even more. I got up out of my chair and walked to Mr. Chris' desk and asked him if it was alright if we opened the window in the back.

"Are you overly warm?" He asked me in a hushed voice to not disturb the other students who were actually watching the movie.

"Yes, if that's not okay then it's fine-" I started then he cut me off.

"It's fine. Go ahead and open the window." In my head I was giving a tremendous thank you for not having to go back to my seat yet, but in reality I just nodded my head.

I turned and strolled to the back of the room and reached up grabbing hold of one of the two handles to pull open the window, I tried to turn it so it was unlocked but it was stuck. I stood on my tip-toes in order to try and put more arm strength behind it but still couldn't get it. Someone came up behind me and I watched as two big hands reached up and pulled the window open with ease. They came down to rest on either side of me, his earthy scent enveloping me. His arms were lightly pressed against mine sending pleasurable shocks and warmth throughout me. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, I knew before they reached out in front of me.

I turned and looked up into Dean's face and watched the fall light play across his features, lighting up his blue eyes that shined with amusement at my struggle to open the window. A soft smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. The light caused his cheek bones to appear more defined and highlighted the few freckles he had, I brought my hand up and trailed the tips of my fingers across his cheeks, my hand coming to rest on the side of his face. I felt the sparks grow stronger in the palm of my hand as the smile dropped from his face and a new emotion I couldn't place took over in his eyes. Want? Irritation? Desire? Anger? No. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth biting down on it and shaking my right leg in... nerves? I couldn't place my own emotions let alone his. He brought his hand up and cupped my chin, running his thumb down from my lip to the tip of my chin, effectively pulling my bottom lip from my teeth. His hand trailed down to the back of my neck and he began to lean closer to me, my eyes drooped closed.

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