Chapterrrrrr 6

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Hai! If you got what I did with the title of the chapter, you're awesome. Those of you that don't I'll give you a hint.

"How many 'r's are there?"




As soon as Louis' figure was out of sight, I came out from behind the tree to a pale looking Liam and Harry.

"Namine, I need you to take this and run. Don't look back. Just run and find Niall and Zayn." Liam hands me what looks like a sword. Where the fuck did he get this from? He didn't have it before. Mind=blown. Anywhore, I took it from him and heard a low growl behind me.

If I wasn't so curious, I'd be the happiest girl alive because, there stood a few yards away, was a burly looking man (A/N: If you've seen the movie, the man is the Bandersnatch).

"NAMINE, I SAID RUN." Liam's voice boomed.

I made a mad dash for the direction of the man, brushing past him, but falling as he grabbed ahold of my hair and yanking me back. Curse having this long hair.

With the space I had between the man and I, I swung the sword, meaning to hit him, but cutting off the chunk of hair he had in his hand.

I started to sprint further into the forest as cries of pain were heard behind me.

I slowed my pace to a walk and decided to take in my surroundings.

Trees. Lots and lots of trees. I like trees.

I heard what sounded like a trickling sound. I followed the sound as it led me to a small stream. I sat before it, cupping my hand and taking the water in my hands and brought it to my lips, only to stop as a metallic smell was leaving my hands.

I looked down into my hands and there in my hands was a small pool of blood. And in the stream, there were heads bobbing at the surface of the water.

A shriek escaped my lips as I struggled to stand up, not being able to handle the blood.

Darkness had enclosed my eyesight before anything I could call for help.


I winced as the queen's voice sounded throughout the palace.

"Hatter!" she screeched "You said you'd have a new one for me, today!"

He voice made my migrane worse. From worrying about Namine and the boys, working in this stupid shop and there being no cool air, and the queen's voice, it all made my head throb.

"HATTER." she screeched. I grumbled a few curses under ny breath before grabbing a few of the hats that I made for the queen's croquet game.

"You're hat's your madjesty." I handed her hats and took a few steps back, observing as she tried each one on, staring at her reflection in her mirror.

"No." She threw a hat back at me.



"No, Hatter, these are hideous." she glared at me through her reflection.

"I know, I'm sorry, your madjesty." I apologize, not really meaning it, I mean come on! She's an ungrateful bitch.

"Your madgesty, t-there's someone here. I-I found her." a small fragile child stuttered.

Poor kid.

"Well, bring her up then!" the queen demands.

The little girl padded off as the queen followed behind her, her heels clicking against the checkered marble floor.

I left back to my shop, passing by the throne where I heard a familiar voice.

"What's your name, child?"

"My name is..."



Hehe... cliff hanger xD

I forgot my notebook in my locker again so this may be short. I'm not sure how long it's going to be. :p

Anywhore, I'm excited for my next choir concert, Thanksgiving (food!), and Christmas! :3 I really hope you enjoyed!

PonyBronyXD out!

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