10 (:

148 11 4

I'm back again (: I had the chapter written but lost my notebook. Sorry for the wait.


Namine's POV

It hurt to breath because I was running so fast. My lungs were throbbing and now I was down to a slight stumble in a meadow, somewhere in Wonderland.

It was extremely difficult to keep this damned dress up and run at the same time.

The hem of the skirt was shredded and torn. My legs stung with pain as I had run through a bush of thorns.

I felt extremely dizzy and every part and limb of my body had ached and my brain was racked with worry on whether Louis and the boys were okay or not.

I scanned the area I was in as the world slowly started to spin and darkness started to overwhelm my eyes.

Anonymous POV

I went under the tree in the same meadow that the boys and I gotten the ingredients for the White Queen's famous soup for the formal dinner.

I leaned towards the tree to pull some of the darkest bark off of.

I took a step and tripped, falling over a branch possibly and cursed as my back hit the ground.

I looked to my side and my eyes widened. There that lied next to me, was an unconscious girl, slightly breathing.

I was quick to my feet as I carefully picked up and started back to the Queen's gates.

Ashton was the first to the gates and help me take the girl inside. Her dress was absolutely shredded and her legs, a bleeding mess, and her flawless face had bruises left and right.

Ashton carried her to the medical room and lied her on one of the cottages.

He sighed and started looking around for his medical supplies as I started to clean up the girl's legs.

"Mikey! Did you get the ingredients for the Queen's soup?!" Luke ran in, standing over my shoulder "I'm really hung-"

"Shut up, Luke." I cut him off "I'm a little busy right now."

Luke groaned and stomped his foot like a two year old throwing a foot "Fine! I'll go get it myself!" and he stomped out, going back to the meadow for the ingredients.

"I'll go get her some fresh clothes." I got up, heading down the hall to a room.

"Whatcha need?" Calum flashed his friendly smile.

"I need clothes for a girl I found out in the meadow." I went through the closet that our tailor kept all of our nursing clothes in.

"Always finding the girls." Calum smiled, making me chuckle slightly as I pulled the clothes out and went back to the medical room.

The girl sat up on the cottage, wincing as Ashton bandaged up her legs.

I smiles softly, sitting next to her and spoke softly "hey.."

"H-hi.." she spoke quietly, wincing again as Ashton muttered a 'sorry'.

"Do you have a name?" She was beautiful.. Yet she looked so fragile.

"Namine.." I smiled, shifting in my spot.

"That's a beautiful name." I smiled, making her blush slightly.

"I'm Michael." I smiled then pointed to Ashton " and that's Ashton."

She nodded and I handed her the clothes and started helping her towards the bathroom.

"I got you some fresh clothes to change into." I smiled and opened the door for her "so just get changed and we'll get you fed."

She muttered a 'thank you' and closed the door, starting to get changed.

Luke stepped in, holding a sword and next to him stood the White Queen, who had wide eyes.

"Who's that girl you brought in?" She spoke, her voice uneasy.

"Namine" I answered slightly puzzled.

The Queen just paled slightly and spoke quietly.

"Send her to me when she's done."


Sorry if this was bad. I'm sick and can't really think straight right now. I should be able to start writing more often now since I found my notebook (:

Hope you like it (:

PonyBronyXD out!

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