Chapter 9

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Hi guys! Long time no see! Here's a new chappy (:

Namine's POV

Louis led me over to the blanket and handed me another rose, smiling big.

"Thank you.." I smiles at him, smelling the rose.

"Anything for the beautiful lady.." he smiled back.

I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as he sat me down on the blanket and handed me a bottle of water.

I took a sip of water before opening my mouth to speak"So why'd you bring me here?"

"It's been five years since I've seen you. Five years." he took my hands into his"and I can't remember a single thing about you."

"So." he continued "We are going to play a game. You say something like color or anything you can think of about you and I have to guess what it is."

"So let's do a review." Louis smiled.

"You're favorite color is turquoise, you love to sing, you like cheese," he went on and I nodded, smiling big as he got everything right.

Louis's POV

I knew she wasn't listening. I didn't care. As long as she remained in my presence, I would be happy for as long as I lived.

She had her knees pulled up to her chest, her chin resting on top of them. I could point out so many flaws, yet those flaws are what made her perfect.


That's what she was. The millions of splotches of white on her tan skin just made her even more perfect. If no other guy thought she was perfect, they were insane.

"Hatter!" Her voice cut me off from my thoughts, "Someone's coming!"

Sure enough, I heard heavy footsteps coming our way, just outside the garden.

"I got up quickly, grabbing her arm and pulling her over to the tree.

"Climb. Now." I helped her up the tree and she sat on a branch high in the tree.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the voice, turning and seeing a guard towering over me.

"I thought I heard someone trespassing in the queen's garden." I stumbled over my words, my hands shaking slightly.

"Well that's our job and not yours. Get back to the croquet game." he commanded.

Namine's POV

I watched quietly as the guard ordered Louis to go back to the castle. That was until a dog started barking and pawing at the tree.

"Shoo! Go away!" I whispered, trying to shoo away the dog.

I felt my ankle being grabbed and being pulled on by a large hand and I yelped, trying to kick the guard off.

"What are you doing up there?!"

"Namine run!"

Heh. x3 sorry I haven't updated in a while.. And that this is a short chapter. I've had writers block and had no clue what to write.

It felt nice updating for you guys. (:
Make sure to check out my other fanfic Sillybands if you want!

PonyBronyxD out!

Madness (A Louis Tomlinson/ Alice in Wonderland/ One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now