Cahpter 7

291 14 2

Hey! I'm feeling sick and I have my computer for once! I got my Wii taken away if you didn't read the message I posted :P anyways, here's another update! Enjoy!


Namine's POV

"Janessa! Her name is Janessa!" A voice interupted me before a hand grabbed my arm and I was spun around to see Louis.

Louis hugged me tightly before whispering into my ear "Don't tell her your real name." he warned "If you tell her your real name, I'll be dead and so will the others."

"Do you play croquet, child?" The queen interupted our hug and I nodded my head "Then get her fitted for a dress, Hatter and then lead her to one of the guest rooms. I'll send someone to fetch her later." and with taht, Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me down a hall and to a small little room.

Cloth was scattered everywhere along with feathers, hats, silk and all sorts of cloth material. Louis went behind a desk and came back with a tape measurer "Turn around and hold your arms up." he commanded.

I obeyed his orders and held my arms out at he recorded the length of my arms, legs, waist line, and torso. "So this is what you do?" I ask breaking the awkward silence betwen the both of us.

"Yeah, I design dresses, suits, and hats for the queen and her guests." Louis walks over to a rack that was covered in cloth and he started looking through it.

"My turn, what happened to your hair and how did you get here?" He asks before pulling off some cloth from the rack and putting it to my arm.

"Liam, Harry, and I were attacked right after you and that guard left." I answer "and the guy that attacked us grabbed my hair, so I swung my sword and accidently cut my hair, but hey! I made it out alive!" This made him chuckle and slightly smile "Well, I like it." he motions to my hair that's now barely past my chest.

I swear that my heart started racing and butterflies were in my tummy. Not the bad kind but, the good.

"I'm going to take you to the guest room and I'm going to make the dress. It'll be a while so... Just do whatever while you're waiting."

Louis leads me down a hallway and stop at a white door with small red hearts all over it. He opens the door, ushering me in.

Louis POV

I should've kissed her. Right then and there would have been the perfect time.

I make my way to my shop and start on Namine's dress. It has to be perfect. It's going to be perfect. The perfect dress for the perfect girl.


I sighed in content as I finished the dress. It was the perfect shade of scarlet red, long enough to reach down to go just past her knees, and it was strapless but it was going to have a white cardigan to go over.

I took the dress from the manniquin and started towards the room Namine was in. I raised my fist to knock on the door but stopped when I heard another voice. A male voice.

Namine's POV

"P-please get away!" I struggled underneath the man's grip as he gave me an evil grin.

The man ran his hands up my shirt and was trying to take it off, but I continued to squirm around and push his hands away.

"If you keep moving, I'm going to punish you." The man warned which only made me spit in his face.

His hand rose and I flinched but nothing ever came. I looked back up and saw Louis pinning the man to the ground and constantly punching him.

"Don't" Punch "You" Punch "Ever" Punch "Touch her!" Punch, punch, punch.

Before I knew it, the guy had scrambled to his feet and ran out of the room. Louis was quick to be at my side and checking for bruises or any marks of any sort.

"Thank God, you're okay!" He hugged me tightly and kissed the forehead continuously, before handing me a dress "Now go change. The queen will be here any minute." He shoos me off.

I slipped the dress and cardigan while Louis waited outside patiently. I took a hair brush that was on the vanity and brushed through my hair quickly before calling Louis back in the room.

"Namine, you look beautiful." He compliments, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist as I stared at my reflection.

"Thanks, Lou." I felt my cheeks heat up as he peppered my cheek with kisses before turning me around to face him.

"You really do look beautiful." He says once more before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine.


Ah! That was cute! Hehe...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stuffed your tummys full on Thursday! :3

PonyBronyXD out!

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