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Here's the first chapter, just to show you how the story will go.

Also, Luke is 16 and Michael is 19, so there will be a little bit of an age gap, but not too big.


"Oh come on, Luke, it's your birthday today. You're finally sixteen, you have to do something special!" Calum said to me.

I sighed and looked at him. "For the sixth time, Calum, I don't like doing anything for my birthday." I said.

"And why not?" He asked.

"You know why." I said, getting sick of this conversation already.

"Are you seriously still not over that girl? Yes, she broke up with you on your birthday, but that doesn't mean mope around your house until she magically shows up to your door and says I'm sorry." He said.

"I loved her, Cal, I lost my virginity to her and gave her everything she ever wanted." I said, remembering that day like it happened yesterday.

"I know you did, Luke, I was there." He said. "But this year, it's time to get out and go back there. There's plenty of guys and girls out there that would talk to you and think you're attractive." He said. "We're going to this party, whether you like it or not, you'll thank me later." He said.

I groaned and got up to find some clothes to wear. "I can't believe I'm even doing this."

"If you go, I'll let you touch my sister's butt."

My eyes grew wide as soon as he said it. I've had a huge crush on Calum's sister, since the day he moved on my street three years ago. "You're lying."

"I mean it. Go to this party with me and I swear I'll let you 'accidentally' touch her butt." He said.

"How do I know this is some trick? I know how protective you are of your sister, you might break my jaw as soon as I do it." I said, pulling out a shirt from my closet.

"Okay fine, I pinky promise that the next time you see my sister, I'll let you touch her butt, but only if you go to this party with me." He said, holding out his pinky for me to link with mine.

I rolled my eyes and linked my pinky with his. "You're so childish." I told him.


Here I was, at this college party, wanting to leave already. Calum forgot to mention that it was a college party, not some party that one of the high schoolers were throwing. The only reason he even got in, was because his cousin on his dad's side goes to this college and snuck them in.

I'm gonna kill him later..

I was leaning against the wall, watching Calum dance with a whole bunch of college girls, who are too drunk to know he's only sixteen. I sighed and looked down at the drink I was offered as soon as I walked through the door. I set it down and went to get some fresh air outside, when someone bumped into me, causing me to fall on my ass.

"Oh damn, you okay?" The person asked.

I stood up and dusted myself off. "Yeah, I'm fine, are you-" I looked at him and I froze.

The person was a guy who was tall, had pale skin, blonde hair, and these mesmerizing green eyes. He was super cute, but definitely out of my league.

He chuckled. "Are you sure you're okay? You kinda spaced out a bit just now." He said.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, thanks." I said, turning to walk away, but felt someone grab my hand.

Our Little Mistake [muke mpreg] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now