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Forgot to put a picture of what Luke's belly looks like, so here you go :)


All I remember was going in and out of darkness. One moment I was being pulled out of the car, then I woke up again in the ambulance for a short moment, then I woke up seeing doctors and nurses surrounding me, and now, all I saw was darkness.

Well, probably because my eyes were closed and I need to open them.

My first attempt of opening them, I quickly shut them again because the lights were so bright. My second attempt wasn't as bad, but my eyes still hurt from the bright lights.

I looked around and saw I was in a hospital room, but why?

And the second I asked myself that, the memories all hit me like a brick wall.

This was all my fault.

I remember me and Michael were having an argument, and then I started hitting him. Was that the cause of why we were here?

Before I could think about it further, I heard footsteps. I slowly looked over and saw it was my brother's. They look like they've been crying.

"You're finally awake." Jack said, coming over and take my hand. "I rushed here as fast as I could, I basically run out of work just to see if you were okay." He said.

I looked over at Ben, seeing that he looked worried and scared. I've never, in my sixteen years of living, seen my oldest brother look so worried and scared.

"Me and the family were about to leave to go out of town, as soon as I got the call, I raced over here, almost getting into an accident myself." He said.

"Are you okay? Do you feel okay?" Jack asked, still panicking a bit.

"I...I don't know." I said truthfully.

"We were told that you were in a terrible car accident. You came out with a few scratches and bruises.." Jack paused a moment, as if what he was about to tell me would kill me inside. "But we can't say the same for Michael." He finished.

I slowly sat up, looking at both of them. "What do you mean 'you can't say the same for Michael'? What happened to him?" I asked.

Both of them stayed silent.

"What. Happened. To. Michael?" I asked once more, but still got the silent treatment.

"Okay, if you won't tell me, I'll fucking go ask." I said, about to jump out of bed, but was stopped by Jack.

"No, Luke, you can't get out of bed." Jack said, trying to gently push me back down in the bed.

"Then tell me what happened to him!" I said, getting upset.

Jack sighed and looked at Ben, then back at me.

"We were told...that Michael jumped in front of you before the car hit the tree. And when the car hit the tree, he flew out the windshield and hit head first into the tree, causing him to have some brain trauma, plus his face being scratched up and bruised."

My eyes grew wide, not only because of what happened to him, but because he was willing to risk his life to save me and the babies, by jumping in front of me.

"He saved me.." I whispered, then looked at both of my brothers. "I have to see him."

"Luke, I don't think that's a good id-"

"I want to see Michael!" I shouted.

"Luke, you have to calm down."

"I want to see Michael! And if I have to walk out of this fucking room to do it, I will!" I said, getting up and going to the door, but was gently held back by my brothers.

"Luke, stop it!" Ben said.

"No! I wanna see if he's okay! I have to!" I said, still trying to fight them off.

"Luke, you have to stop this, you're pregnant!" Jack whisper-yelled.

And thats when I stopped and broke down, falling to the floor and sobbing uncontrollably.

"This is my fault! I did this!" I sobbed, crying into Jack's chest, who was now sitting on the floor, holding me and rocking me back and forth.

"Shhh, it's okay."

"I-I just wanna see him." I cried, holding onto my brother tightly, as if he would just disappear if I didn't.

"I know I know." He said, his voice cracking a little. "You'll get to see him soon enough, just not right now, okay?" He said.

I nodded, still sobbing and saying this was my fault over and over again.

After about twenty minutes, I was calm enough to get back into my bed and lay down. My brothers stayed with me until visiting hours were over, which was at 10pm. They promised they would be back first thing in he morning, even though I told them they didn't have to, but they wanted on being there for me, so who am I to tell them no?

For the rest of the night, I thought about Michael, hoping and praying that he would pull through and be okay.

I rubbed my huge pregnant belly and looked up to the ceiling.

"God, if you're up there...or even real, can you please make sure that Michael is okay?" I started, but paused to find the words that I wanna say. "This is all my fault, and all I want is for him to be alive and okay, so I can tell him how sorry I am. I shouldn't have lashed out like that, but it was like...it was almost like a light switch, I don't know." I said, looking down at my belly, seeing the babies move. "He has to be here to be a father to his babies, so please, and I mean please, don't take him away from us." I said, starting to cry. "If you let them live, I promise I'll spend the rest of my life making this up to him." I sniffled, wiping my tears away. "Just bring him back to me and I'll do the rest." I said, before looking back down to my belly, rubbing it gently.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. I looked and saw it was a nurse.

"Mr. Hemmings?"

I slowly sat up and looked at her. "Yes?"

"Michael Clifford is awake and has asked to see you."


I don't know if I've said this before, but this will be a short-ish story, so there will be a few more chapters, and maybe a epilogue, don't quote me on it lol.

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