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I don't think I've ever gotten out of a hospital bed so fast in my life, especially with a huge pregnant belly.

The nurse was leading me to his room, which was a few floors up from way mine is.The nurse was talking to me, but I was more focused on seeing Michael, nothing else mattered at this moment, except for Michael.

Right now, we're on the elevator, the nurse still talking to me, each word going in one ear and out the other.

"Are you and Mr. Clifford engaged?" She asked randomly.

That was the only thing I heard from her, so when she asked, I looked at her.


"Yeah, I see a ring on your finger." She said, pointing at it.

I looked down at it and furrowed my eyebrows. I wasn't sure if I should tell her the truth or just lie, sometimes lying is the better choice.

"Well umm, it's something like that, we call it a 'promise' instead of a 'engagement'." I said.

The woman smiled at me. "I remember when my husband proposed to me. We were so young, about your age actually. I remember Eddie took me to the Popper's Diner down the street and basically proposed to me in front of everybody, which was a surprise, because Eddie is a very shy guy and doesn't really like the attention all on him." She said, smiling to herself.

"We got married as soon as we turned eighteen, we didn't wanna waste anymore time." She added, then looked at me. "Right now, we're at a rocky stage, we haven't been getting along." She started again. "But we love each other too much to let something as simple as spilled milk or a broken plate get between us, because that's all it ever is, spilled milk. You clean it up and move on with your life." She said, looking at me again.

"When you and Mr. Clifford do get married, just remember, love each other no matter what the situation is. Me and Eddie have had plenty of fights, but we always find a way to make it up to each other." She said, before I heard the elevator signal that the elevator in.

We walk off the elevator and turned right down a hallway, then passing up the front desk.

"If I may ask, how long have you and your husband been together?"

"We known each other for 40 years, but married for 38 years."

"That's a long time."

"Indeed it is, darling."

I smiled to myself and looked straight ahead, anxious to see Michael.

"Alright, Mr. Clifford will be down this hall, in room 20." She told me, stopping at another hallway.

"Thank you." I said, before I was about to walk down the hallway, but quickly told around.

"Oh umm excuse me, I didn't catch your name." I said.

"It's Nadine, but my husband calls me Nadie." She smiled, before walking away, until she disappeared.

I smiled to myself, before going to see Michael. I looked around for room 20, until I spotted it.

Room 20
Clifford, Michael

I took a deep breath, finally being able to see my boyfriend. I slowly opened the door and looked around, until I saw him.

He looked like he was in so much pain. He face was bruised and scratched up, his head was bandaged, he had a cast on his arm and leg, and he was still covered in dried blood.

I broke down for the second time, looking at him, knowing this was all my fault. I was being a brat and just attacked him like a crazy lunatic. We would've been in the hotel room by now, safe and sound.

I walked up to him and stood by the bed, just looking at him. Even though he looked so banged up, he looked peaceful.

"Michael?" I said softly.

Michael slowly opened his eyes and looked around. Once he looked at me, he had the biggest smile on his face, as if what happened didn't effect him at all.

"Luke.." he whispered, slowly reaching out with the arm that wasn't broken. I took his hand and gave it a squeeze, tears still in my eyes.

"I-I love you." He whispered, making me cry even more. I didn't deserve his love, I almost killed us and our babies, he should hate me.

"You shouldn't love me." I said softly, my voice cracking. "You should hate me." I added. "I almost killed us and our babies-"

"Shhhh.." he said, putting a finger to my lips. He shook his head and looked down at my belly, slowly putting his hand on it, rubbing it gently. One of the babies kicked, causing him to smile widely.

I smiled a little, letting him rub my belly, looking at him with tears eyes.

"They wanna make sure their daddy is okay." I said smiling. "They know that you saved them."

He smiled a little and looked at me, reaching out and wiping a tear away from my eye.

"I-I love you."

And that's when I believed him. I had a feeling that was his way of saying 'I forgive you'. I smiled and gently ran my hand over his cheek.

"I love you too." I said softly.

I sat up there with him for about three hours. Even though he couldn't talk much, he could understand everything I was saying, so there wasn't much brain damage. The doctor did come in at some point to check on him. He explained that the surgery went well and that he might have some speech problems, but it'll hopefully go away and improve over time, so that made me relax a little.

But eventually, I had to go back to my room. I reached down and gave Michael a soft but passionate kiss, not caring that there was still dried blood on it. I told him I loved him and then let him get some rest, he needed it.

From that day forward, I promised myself that I would do absolutely anythign and everything to make up for this. I do wanna marry Michael and I do wanna have more babies with him. But first, he has to get through this, and I really do hope he does, these babies need him.

I need him.


I'm sorry this took so long to, I just wasn't in the mood to write, I have no real excuse lol. Plus, I did have some writer's block. But I pulled through and I hope you like this chapter.

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