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I figured I would start this, since it had the most reads on it. I hope you enjoy the story, became I know I'll have fun writing it :)

Also, Luke is like 5 foot 7, Calum is 5 foot 6, Michael is 6 foot 1, and Ashton is 6 foot 0. Just thought I would mention that, just in case you were curious.


5 weeks later

I haven't been feeling well for the past few weeks. I'm always feeling nauseous, my nîpples are sore, my stomach feels different, and I've been carving 7-eleven slurpees and mozzarella sticks every single day.

My parents even found it a little weird, since I've never ate this much, and I'm hardly ever sick. Mom thinks it's just me still going through puberty, dad doesn't think it's too weird, and my brothers aren't home to even have a real reaction.

My mother wanted me to get checked out anyways, just in case. So here I am, sitting in the waiting room in my pajamas, drinking my large slurpee and rubbing my chest, my nîpples were so damn sore.

Once I heard my name, I followed behind the nurse, my mother following behind me. We walked into the back, walking into a small room.

"Before we start, we'll need to enter in your information." The nurse said.

After my mom basically answered everything that the nurse needed to know, it was time to tell her what's wrong.

"What seems to be the problem, Luke?" The nurse asked me.

I bit my lip, before telling her all my symptoms.

"Well for the past month or so, I'm bit feeling nauseous and sick. And also, my nîpples seem to be hurting a lot, and they also look...darker?" I said, a little embarrassed.

The nurse nodded and went near the corner of the room to grab a hospital gown.

"Put this on and I'll be right back." She said, before walking away.

I only took my shirt off, leaving my pajama pants and socks on. A few minutes later, the nurse came back in and smiled.

"What I'm gonna do is do some test. First, I'm gonna examine your chest, then examine your stomach, and lastly, a urine test." She said. "Would you like your mother to stay in the room with you?"

My eyes grew wide at the urine test part, but I shrugged it off.

"No, she can wait outside." I said. My mother kissed my head and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

The nurse instructed me to untie the hospital gown and take on sleeve out to show my right nîpple.

"Hmm, well they are a bit dark and a little irritated. Did you do something to them to make them look like that?" She asked.

"No, not at all." I said.

She nodded and then instructed me to lift my gown up to reveal my stomach. She felt around my stomach for awhile, pausing a few times, but then feeling around again.

"Have you been eating a lot lately?" She asked.

"Yes, I've been eating more than usual."

"How about the nausea? How long has that been going on?"

"For maybe three weeks or so."

She nodded and wrote some stuff down.

"Are you sexually active, Luke?"

That question made me tense up a bit, but I tried to relax as much as possible.

"Well umm, I-I did have sex about a month ago." I admitted.

"We're you and your partner protected? As in wearing condoms?" She asked.

I bit my lip, trying to time. All I remember from that night was meeting Michael, talking with Michael, and then waking up next to him, naked.

"I-I'm gonna be honest, w-we were drunk, so I don't really remember if he did wear a condom or not."

She nodded, writing more stuff down.

"What are all these questions for?" I asked.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, Luke, and it may sound bizarre." She said, before taking a deep breath. "You're showing signs of pregnancy."

My face dropped as soon as the word 'pregnancy' left her mouth. Don't get me wrong, I knew I had the organs to carry a baby, but it's hard for males to get pregnant and stay pregnant, which is why it's very rare that you hear or see a male carrying a baby.

"Pregnancy?" I said softly.

"Yes, but don't be alarmed, it could be anything, like a skin rash and some weird reaction to something you've been eating." She said.

I sighed in relief and nodded.

"Now the last thing I need you to do is give me a urine sample." She said, giving me a small cup with a lid. "The bathroom is across the hall, I'll be here when you're done." She said, smiling kindly at me.

I left to do what I had to do. In the middle of it, I was thinking about Michael. I haven't seen him since the day after my birthday. After I woke up next to him, I quickly put my clothes back on and left before he woke up.

I left the bathroom with the urine sample and walked back in the room giving her the cup.

"Thank you very much." She smiled. "For now, I'll prescribe you some cream for your nîpples. For the nausea, I would say to try eating something small, like crackers or jello." She said, writing the prescription, then giving it to me.

"I'll give you a call about the results soon." She said, smiling.

I nodded. "Thank you." I said, before watching her leave. I quickly got dressed and went to go find my mother.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, a little worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said to her, leading the way out of the hospital.

Did you really think I was about to tell my mother that there was a chance that I could be pregnant? Absolutely not. My mother already had to deal with both of my brothers getting their girlfriends pregnant at a young age, I was the only one that couldn't let her down.

I just really hope I'm not pregnant.


How was that for a second chapter? It's gonna get better as time goes on :)

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-Apryle ❤️

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