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Final chapter and maybe a epilogue, I don't know yet. Be prepared for a long and emotional chapter, it may make me cry as I write it.


36 weeks

It's been six weeks since Michael has been home. He's was doing better and better each and every day. He barely stumbles over his words, the scars are healing nicely, he was getting better at walking with one crutch, and he's been helping out with me as much as I could.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, we find a cheap apartment to live in. We were slowly but surely getting it all decorated and making it feel like home. It had two bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a big living room and dining room. It was enough for us right now, at least until the kids were about five years old.

I went to the hospital earlier this week for my second to last appointment, and the doctor was explaining to me how she was a bit concerned about me carrying these babies to full term. She said that since I'm still young and still growing, she was afraid that my body wouldn't be able to handle carrying the babies any longer and may have to induce me around thirty-eight weeks.

When I told Michael this, he's been doing everything for me. Giving me baths, washing my hair, making me dinner, rubbing my back and feet, and basically just catering to me, even though I tell him he didn't have to.

Right now, I was in the middle of putting the many baby clothes that Ben and Jack had kept from when their children were babies. It was literally the only thing that Michael would let me do on my own.

Michael was at his new job at Gamestop, he liked it there so far and enjoyed being around video games all the time. I couldn't really get a job yet, not with my stomach looking like it would pop at any given moment. So with every paycheck he got so far, we've been spending it on just rent, bills, and food.

As I was folding clothes and getting the babies' room ready, I started to have these very strong cramps, but passed them off as the Braxton Hick contractions I've been having on and off for the past few weeks now. I continued folding the clothes, when suddenly, the cramps started to get more intense and more frequent. I told a break from folding clothes and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I took a cup, filled it up with tap water, and was about to take a sip of the water, when suddenly.


I looked on the floor and there was a big puddle of water on the floor, following with the cramps getting unbearably stronger. That's when it all hit me, I know exactly what was going on.

I'm in labor! And the cramps I'm having are actual contractions.

My legs almost gave out on me from how strong the contractions were. I held onto the kitchen counter and looked around for the phone, I had to call Michael.

When I spotted my phone, it was on the coffee table, which was the whole way across the room. I took all the strength I had and quickly waddled over to where the my phone was located. I grabbed it and called him.

It was ringing...and ringing...and ringing...until it went to his voicemail. I growled both in frustration and pain, hanging up the phone.

"Michael, you fucking idiot! I told you to answer the phone when I call!" I said to myself, now angry with Michael. I sat in the kitchen chair, trying to take deep breaths, but they weren't working very well.

I called Jack.

No answer.

I called Ben.

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