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7 weeks later

I was sitting at the park with Calum, both of us so tired and exhausted. Fatigue, cravings, sore nîpples, hormone changes. It takes a toll on you.

"I hate being pregnant already, and it's only been seven weeks." Calum said, eating his ice cream sandwich. "This is seriously my twentieth ice cream sandwich today, I used to hate these things." He said, shoving the rest of the ice cream sandwich in his mouth.

"I know what you mean. I'm not too crazy for those 7-eleven slurpees, but now I'm drinking them like it's the only thing that'll  keep me alive." I said, looking around, seeing kids running around.

"Do you think we'll be showing by the time we go back to school?" Calum asked, biting his lip.

I shrugged. "We'll be two months by then, I don't think we will. I heard you don't start showing until the fourth month." I said, sipping large 7-eleven drink.

He nodded. "So did you go to your ultrasound yet?"

"No, but I'm going later, I'm gonna let Michael come with me." I said.

Calum rolled his eyes. "My ultrasound is tomorrow, Ashton keeps texting me and reminding me about it." He said, visibly annoyed. "Ever since I told him, hes been clinging to me like a fûcking leech, he won't let me breathe." He said.

I chuckled. "At least he wants to be in the baby's life."

"Didn't Michael say he wanted you to keep the baby?"

"He did, but he's also being weird about it." I said.


"He's acting all...timid around me, like if he was to say or do the wrong thing around me, I'll break. Also, he's acting as if we're in a relationship." I said. "I mean, he's cute, but not really my type."

"Why isn't he your type? You weren't saying that at that party." He asked, chuckling.

"Like I said, he was cute." I said. "I'll probably have to tell him that whatever he thinks is happening, isn't happening. We're just too people, who made a terrible mistake-"

"So the baby was a mistake?"

"Cal, no, it wasn't." I said. "But it also wasn't suppose to happen either. We were drunk and I let my stupid hormones get in the way." I said, suddenly starting to cry.

Calum frowned and rubbed my back. "Aww no, don't cry, because then I'll cry." He said, soon sobbing next to me.

"We shouldn't have went to that stupid party." I said.

"I know, and I'm sorry that I forced you to go with me. Honestly, I just didn't wanna go alone and look super lame." He said. "If I could take back that night, I would. We should've just went to the arcade, like we said we would." He said.

I looked at him, wiping his tears away. "I don't blame you for this, you were only trying to be a good friend." I said. "You were only doing what any friend would've done, which was try to get their friend out of a funk." I said.

He nodded, sniffling a bit."It was still selfish of me to pull you into that."

I shook my head. "It's in the past now, what happened to us already happened." I said, rubbing his back now.

He nodded and sniffled. "These pregnant hormones suck, I cry over everything now."

I chuckled. "Welcome to the club." I said, starting to get up. I turned to help Calum up too.

Our Little Mistake [muke mpreg] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now