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30 weeks

Michael was in the hospital for two weeks. The doctors wanted to keep an eye on his brain, just in case something went wrong or anything like that.

But somehow, by some miracle, he pulled through. His speech was 95% back to normal, and the bruise and scratches in his face were healing really good, the only struggle was him trying to walk again. First, because he hasn't moved around for a long period of time. And second, because he had a cast on his arm and his leg, so that kinda threw off his balance a bit.

Right now, I was outside, waiting for him to come out. Calum and Ashton were with me as well, since Ashton volunteered to drive him to his parents' house. From what I heard, his parents were worried sick about him and just wanted him to come home.

My belly was started to get bigger and bigger as the days went on, I could hardly stand for no longer than five minutes. Plus, the twins have been kicking my ass, keeping me up all night with their constant moving around and pushing down on my bladder.

I saw him coming out of the doors, a nurse pushing him out in a wheelchair. He looked miserable, most likely because he wanted to walk out of there, instead of being pushed out like a baby.

I smiled and walked over to him, smiling widely. He saw me as well, smiling back and trying to get up, using the one crutch that they gave him. His arm was in a sling, so he couldn't physically use another crutch.

Ashton came over and helped him as much as he could, since there wasn't much I could do, since I basically have a beach ball sized pregnant belly and could barely help myself on some days, so thank god Ashton was here.

"Hey babe." I said to him.

He smiled and carefully made his way over to me, leaning down to kiss my lips.

"Hey sexy." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes playfully. I was wearing a large winter jacket, a thin t-shirt underneath it, sweatpants, and these black ugg boots that used to be Calum's. So how in the hell do I look sexy?

"You must've bumped your head a little too hard, because I know I don't look anywhere near sexy right now." I said, walking beside him, as Ashton helped him to the car.

"You do look sexy, especially when I know you're carrying my babies."

"So you're saying you have some kind of fetish with pregnant men?" I asked.

"Only when it's you, you make it look really fucking hot." He said.

I laughed. "Yeah, I can already tell it's the pain killers talking." I said, stopping by the car, opening the back door.

Ashton helped him get inside the car, while I got on the other side, sliding in beside him.

"You feeling okay?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling really good." He said, some of his words slurring a bit.

Yep, it's the drûgs.

"Can we get ice cream?" He asked Ashton.

"Maybe later, you're parents wanna see you." He answered him.

"Aww man, but I want ice creeeeeam." Michael whined.

"We'll get it laterrrrr." Ashton said, mockingly.

I chuckled and sat back in the seat, putting my seatbelt on.


Once Ashton dropped us off, Michael's dad had to come out and help him, since I couldn't, especially when I was having trouble walking as well, my feet swollen and sore.

I keep telling myself, ten more weeks or less and they'll be here.

Once they were in the house, Michael's mom was near the front doorway, tears in her eyes.

I felt so bad. Their only child could've died, but thank god he didn't. His body would be a bit broken up for a few weeks, but he'll live.

We went in the kitchen to sit down and eat lunch. Michael was still loopy from the pain killers, it was quite interesting, if I do say so myself. His parents find it more annoying than anything.

"Michael, will you please stop chewing with your mouth open? I taught you better than that." Karen said, a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sorry mom, but your Mac and cheese is just sooooo freaking good!" Michael said, putting more food in his mouth, chewing it like a farm animal.

She rolled her eyes and just let it be, it wasn't like he would be like this forever.

I rubbed my belly as I ate some food as well, feeling the twins move around in there like crazy. They must've been hungry as well.

"So, Luke, how far along are you?" Karen asked me, out of nowhere.

I was a bit caught off guard, so I had to take a second to chew my food and swallow it, so I could talk.

"I'm thirty weeks, as of today." I said, still rubbing my belly.

"Are they okay? Did the accident effect them at all?" She asked, sounding a little worried.

I shook my head. "No." I said before looking at Michael. "Michael saved them." I finally added.

Both of his parents looked at each other, than looked back at me. "Saved them? How?"

I looked over at Michael again. "Do you wanna tell them?" I asked him.

Michael stopped eating and looked at his parents.

"When we were going down that hill, full speed, I quickly covered Luke's belly. After that, it's a blur." He explained, before messily eating again.

After lunch, Daryl helped Michael up to his room, so he could lay down and rest. I laid down with him, until he fully fell asleep. I wasn't tired, but I stayed with Michael as he slept. I took his hand and placed it on my belly, so the babies could feel that he was there. I felt them kick a few times, they just wanted to come out and meet us. I wanted to meet them too.

I've been having this uncomfortable cramps for the past two weeks. I told this to the doctor and he said that they were just Braxton Hick contractions and there was nothing to worry about. He said they would happen randomly and shouldn't get anymore intense than what they are now.

I was feeling one come on right now, but I balled up my fist and just took it. It happened a few other times, but then it stopped altogether.

I looked over at Michael and was just glad that he was out of the hospital and safe at home. I can tell he couldn't wait to meet the twins, it was written all over his face.

What we didn't know was that they were gonna be here sooner than we thought.


Uh oh! The twins will be here really soon. Quick, pick from one of these names for both a boy and a girl.



Comment and vote! (On both this chapter and the names above^^)


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