chapter 10

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This whole chapter was written by BrallieLoveForever

Mariana's POV

I hear a know at my door. When I open it I see Brandon, "you do know I just heard what you said to Callie." "Uh… w-what are you talking about?" He blushes. "I mean you pretty much just asked Callie to be your girlfriend," I smack his head. "Hey! What was that for?" He says running his head. "For acting like an idiot. She really likes it here and you were flirting with her in the hallway we here anyone could here," I smack him again. "Mariana I really like her. I know it sounds crazy because I just met her but it's not just some crush… I think I'm in love with her," hearing that my heart swelled. I pulled him in for a huge hug, "my brother's in love!" "Does this mean you're going to stop slapping me too?" Brandon asks hopefully." "Nope," I say and smack him again

Callie's POV

I just heard Brandon and Mariana talking. He thinks he's in love with me. I mean not that I don't like him but I have a really hard time trusting people. Not that I think he'll do something that could loose my trust but… what if he does. I just don't think I'm ready for love but… when I look into his beautiful blue eyes I feel a flutter in my stomach. It just might be… love. I don't know. He has a girlfriend and although he said he was going to breakup with her I don't need enemies. I don't want to be the girl who steals boyfriends.

Brandon's POV

I go downstairs and see moms making breakfast. I sit down for breakfast across from Callie. I keep stealing glances at her. I can feel her beautiful big brown eyes on me but every time I look up at her she looks back down at her breakfast.

After breakfast I ask Callie, "if you want I could show you around later today since it's Saturday." "S-sure," I can see her blush. "Ok we'll leave in an hour," I said giving myself enough time to break up with Talya. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I'm so not ready for the hell that's about to be unleashed.

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