chapter 15

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Brandon's POV

Im in my room and I notice a box sticking out of the top shelf. I go to my closet and grab the box then I walk over to my bed and open the box. In the box there is pictures of me and a little girl, a tape recorder and a tape; written on the tape was 'never forget'. I put the tape in the tape recorder and listened to it, on the tape was a song, and then it all came back to me.


Ages 5

"Come on Cal, I wanna show you something!" I tell a little girl "ok, ok as long as we can play tag later B." she says back to me "ok follow me, what I want to show you is in the house." I tell her as I grab her hand and take her in the house. I take her to a room in the house "this is gonna be my instrument room when I grow up, see I even have a piano in here already. I started taking lessons not long ago. Want to hear something?" I ask her "we'll of course I do!" she tells me happily, I then drag her over to the piano bench, we both sit down and I start playing the song I wrote "it's beautiful, Brandon." she tells me "we'll I kinda wrote it for you, Callie." I tell Callie, in return she kisses me on the cheek "isn't that cute! Michelle you got to come see this adorable picture I got of Callie and Brandon!" my mom said, at this point mine and Callie's cheeks are crimson red we both look at each other, before we know it my mom took another picture of us "MO-OM, no more pictures PLEASE!" I ask my mom. "They are the most adorable two children ever" my mom tells Callie's mom who just came into the room. "Yea they are Stephanie, I wonder if they will date when they're older." her mom tells mine. "hopefully they will, hahaha." my mom says.


ages 7

"Come on Cal." I tell Callie "but B, the perfect picnic is outside, sure it's Important what ever you need to show me, but it's my moving goodbye from you I want to enjoy it." she tells me "but this is another present for you." I turn around at her, giving her puppy dog eyes "ok FINE but it better be quick." she tells me and I smile at her. I then take her into my music room "you remember the part i taught you, right?" I ask her "of course I do" she tells me "hold on one second, I have a surprise for you." I tell her with a smile then I run off to the closet, and bring out a guitar case and bring it to her. "this is a little present for you from me, to keep here you know for when you come back" I tell her "of course. now open it up!" she says to me excitedly. I then open up the case, and she sees the lavender guitar. She gasps at the sight of it "its beautiful" she tells me, then she hugs me, then I hear the click of a camera. "Stefie you promised us you were done taking pictures, LENA STEF IS TAKING PICTURES AGAIN!" Callie yells for Lena, she then walks in "come on Stef leave them alone already." she says to Stef while dragging her away. "ok back to this, we gonna play?" she asks me "yep, ok you start and ill come in." I tell her "ok" she says back to me. She then starts to play the part I taught her, I then start to play the piano along with her. It sounds so beautiful together "thank you so much, B, I love it." And with that she kissed me on the cheek. After that the doorbell rang, "hold on I have to get that." I  tell her. I then go to the door and answer it "hi can I help you?" I ask the man at the door "yes were wondering if Callie Jacobs is here?" he asks me "Callie can you come out here please." I call for Callie, she walks to the front door and sees the man, "uh, can I help you?" she asks the man "Are you Callie Jacobs?" he asks her "you need to come with me, your mother has been killed in an accident. Where is your brother at the moment?" the man asks her "he's at daycare and what do you mean my mothers been killed?" she asks the man "can you just come with us please?" he asks her "yea can I just say goodbye to my friend?" she asks him "Yes you can come to the car once your done." he tells her before he walks away. "well I guess this is bye B." she tells me with tears coming down my face "I guess it is Cal, I just have one more gift for you, here." I tell her with tears coming down my face; I reach into my pocket and pull out a necklace. "What is that?" she asks me "it's a locket, inside there's pictures of us and on the outside on one side it says 'Cal' and the other side it says 'B'. So you will never forget me." I tell her "thank you and I will never forget you." after she tells me that she kisses me on the lips. "Goodbye. Don't forget me." I tell her as she walks to the car. I hear her whisper something but i don't know what it is, I go inside again. I grab a recorder and the pictures of Callie and I, go to my music room and I record the song. After the song is recorded I label the tape 'never forget'. I then take the photo's, the tape and a tape player and I put them in a box, walk upstairs to my room and put it in my closet on the top shelf.


After listening to the song I go downstairs, and I play the song. After a while I finally get it completely right; I decide to go through it one more time. Once I finish it I hear a gasp behind me "B" someone says, I turn around, and I see Callie "Cal!" I say happily. I run over to her and I pick her up. "I'm so sorry. I forgot." she starts "but for some reason I never took off this locket, I guess I knew why but I also didn't know why" Callie tells me, I then kiss her and she kisses me back and all of a sudden "what are you two doing?!"  I hear Stef yell at us.

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