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"The cure. Where is it?"

"What cure?" the old man spat. Blood stained the front of his white shirt.

"Stop playing games with me," the tall, well-built man stepped forward. His golden eyes gleamed. "Tell me where it is."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," the chains holding the old man's cuffed wrists strained under his weight.

"Lies," a kick landed without warning in his midsection.

"Raphael," another man, also well-built, barked. "We still need him."

The old man coughed, spat out more blood. "You'll never get it," a smug grin spread across his wrinkled face.

Raphael began to lunge forward, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "If you kill him now, he'll be of no help."

"Yes, brother," Raphael muttered. He stepped back, gave the old man one last glare, and turned to his brother.

"Promise me you'll help me with this, Seth," Raphael said. "I can't take it anymore."

The chains rattled as the old man began to laugh. "You'll be a dead man soon," he cackled. "If you don't get the cure, you'll die. You'll never survive this."

Raphael felt his blood begin to boil. He just wanted to tear the old creep's limbs apart, watch him bleed to death before his eyes. "Raphael, please," Seth had a tight grip on his forearm. "Control yourself."

"I can't," Raphael closed his eyes, feeling the pain overwhelming him again. Oh God, it hurt like hell.

"Don't you see? You can't fight it. It has a hold on you," the old man continued. He was laughing madly now, a mix of saliva and blood trickling down the side of his mouth. "Forget it. You're going to die."

"Shut up," Raphael exploded. No, please, no.

The next few moments were a blur. He didn't know what he was doing. The pain...

"Oh God, no," he opened his eyes a fraction when the pain had subsided. He dropped to his knees, stared at the horrific scene before him.

There was blood everywhere, all over the cavern. Oh God, what had he done? Raphael's eyes scanned the bloodstained floor, and he jumped back, startled when he saw a pair of lifeless eyes staring back at him. The eyes of the old man, attached to a head that no longer belonged on his body.

"You have to calm down," Seth placed a comforting hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "Trust me, it works."

"You don't understand," Raphael sighed. "I can't control it. Whatever it is, it's taking over me. I just-

"I know. I'll help you find the cure, I promise."

"Only that...I killed the man who could actually help us."

Seth nodded, a grim look on his face. "Don't worry, I'll do what I can," he said when he saw Raphael's expression. "You will be cured, brother."

Raphael forced a smile. He knew there was going to be a solution for this. But why did he have a feeling that it was already too late?

"Don't think about it," Seth handed him a glass of water. "I never break my promises, remember?"

Raphael nodded, emptying the glass with one gulp. Seth grinned, and stretched out on the sofa. He placed both hands under his head, glanced up at the painting of the black panther on the ceiling. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Seth said. "Can't believe I painted it myself," he boasted.

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