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I didn't stop running. My heart was about to explode out of my chest, and I felt as if my legs would fail me at any second. But I couldn't stop. If I did, they would catch me. And I wouldn't stand a chance against them.

I winced at the sudden pain, turned to look my arm. Dark blood was oozing out from the wound-it was not a good sign. I cursed under my breath when I realized what had struck me. A knife laced with poison. The kind of poison strong enough to kill a human being.

No. I couldn't die like this. I stopped, glanced around me. Monstrous trees loomed above me, their branches grasping for thin air. I couldn't die here, in the middle of nowhere.

"That way," I heard one of them say. I stood where I was, closed my eyes, and listened. The sound of the wind, the bird calls...

"He can't be far...

"We have to find him before it's too late...

I couldn't focus on exactly where they were. My arm was beginning to feel limp. I had to move. Before...

My brain shut out, and I fell in a senseless heap to the ground.


"You can't just leave me here. You can't." She was holding on to my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

I tried not to look at her. I didn't want to see the expression on her face. I knew it was going to make my heart hurt even more.

"Please." She tightened her grip. "Please..."

I didn't say a word. I didn't want to hurt her. But if only I could just...

"Say something," she whispered. Oh God, she was crying now. "Please, just say something..."

I closed my eyes, tried to ease the pain in my chest. I had no choice. I didn't want to do this. I placed a hand on hers, and pushed her hand off my arm. I didn't look at her.

"I'm sorry," was all I said. I turned, and walked away.


"He went this way," Aro said. "He's weak. He can't have gone that far."

"You sure?" Rave picked his teeth with a finger. "That guy looks tough to me. He could have escaped alive."

"Nonsense," Jacque muttered under his breath. Rave turned to give him a steely glare. "The poison would have killed him by now."

"Let me tell you, that guy ain't easy to kill," Rave argued.

"Quiet, both of you," Aro spat. "Listen."

The bushes rustled behind them. Jacque reached for his pocket knife. If it was that weakling again, he would be ready to finish him off. There was a crack of twigs, then silence.

"Hell!" Rave shouted. The bear seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Sharp claws lashed out at him. Its jaws were open, showing two rows of deadly sharp teeth. One bite. That was all it had to do to severe a limb from the body.

"Don't move!" Aro yelled at Rave. He removed his gun from the holster, cursing when he realized he only had two bullets left. Two shots. Was it enough to kill such a strong beast? He raised the gun, aiming at the beast's head. The bear turned, fixing its glare on Aro. Aro closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger.

The bear let out a loud bellow. It took a few moments for Aro to realize he had shot it in the ear. He had one more chance. One last chance.

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