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So, I didn't end up fainting, but I was stuck between blacking out and being fully conscious for a solid five minutes. By the time the woozy feelings faded, my parents had me seated at the dining room table and kept refilling the glass of water they were forcing on me as I evaded their questions. I knew what had happened, I knew why I had almost fainted in front of a social worker lady, but I didn't want them to think I was crazy.

"Abigail are you sure you're okay? We can take you to the emergency room if you need to go." My mom pressed as my dad felt my forehead.

"I don't think that's necessary. She doesn't seem sick, just tired." He then knelt next to me. "Did you sleep alright last night sweetheart?" He asked.

"I guess." I mumbled as I started drinking the water again, while I glanced at my siblings lingering in the kitchen doorway. I didn't see the boys or the social worker, so they must be in the living room.

"She almost fainted Charlie, we should take her to the doctor at least." My mom insisted as she felt my forehead. "I think she does feel a little warm."

"I don't think she does honey, she probably just stood up to fast. I think we should wait," He said.

"I understand where you are coming from, but I think your wrong," My mom shot back.

"Stop it guys, please stop. You're embarrassing me." I mumbled around the rim of my cup and my mom glared at my dad before pulling away.

"Alright, fine, but you need to take it easy the rest of the day okay?" She insisted as they both stood up.

"Let us know immediately if you feel faint again. In the mean time we'll have Naomi in here to sit with you, so she'll say out of adult conversations." My dad decided and before I could properly protest against having a babysitter, they were replaced by Naomi.

"That was hilarious, I wish I got it on video," She said as she plopped down next to me. Instead of acknowledging her though, I just slowly sat back in my chair and swished around the remainder of water in my cup. Catching on that I wasn't in the mood for jokes, Naomi changed her lighthearted disposition to a more serious one. "What happened? You looked like you saw a ghost back there."

"I don't know what happened, okay? I already went through this with mom and dad. Can we just leave it?" I asked quietly, but harshly.

"Okay, okay. Like the Brits say, don't get your panties into a twist. I'm just trying to be a good little sister." She mumbled as she sat back in her chair as well. "Those guys have weird names, don't they? Who names their kid Pluto and Jupiter? I know I wouldn't. That's something you'd like name your dogs, or your computer."

Nodding in agreement, I hunched back over the table and rested my chin in my hands. She was right. Their names were weird, but what was even weirder was how similar they looked to the boys in my dream. No, not weird, terrifying. This morning I had nothing but positive feelings about this arrangement, but now I felt the complete opposite. What could I do though? Just because I thought I saw them in my reoccurring nightmare, didn't mean my parents would send them away. If anything, they might send me away. I might very well be trapped. Or, maybe just maybe, my mind was continuing to play cruel tricks on me like in the parking lot a couple of days ago. "Abby, I know everyone keeps asking, but are you okay? You look...worried," Naomi said, placing her hand on my arm.

"I'm just sleep deprived...you know...because of getting up early today and all..." I said, trying to convince myself more than her. I desperately wanted to tell her what was on my mind, but I didn't know what to tell her, or if it was safe to tell her. What if something malevolent was happening? Shivering, I decided it was time to stop feeding my imagination. "I think I'm going to take a nap, let me know when the social worker leaves." I decided as I got up.

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