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"Neptune!" I screamed, sitting up fast. My body was bathed in sweat from how warm my body was, and I couldn't seem to take a good breath as I looked frantically around. I wasn't in the parking lot anymore, there was no smoke or bright flame, only one of those automatic lanterns you can turn on and off with the push of a button. I was in a makeshift bed on the floor, made up of jackets and old blankets. I had no idea where I was, and my leg was pulsating. With a trembling hand I looked under the blanket to see a bloody bandage on my calf, concealing the source of my sudden pain. 

Hearing a gasp, I then noticed Gemma sitting crossed legged on the floor at the foot of the poor bed. "Neptune! Mercury! She's awake!" She shouted, quickly crawling up the bed towards me. Pushing the blanket away from me I began whimpering. 

"What's going on? Where am I? What happened?" I was dangerously overwhelmed with confusion, so much that Gemma pulling me into a tight hug had little effect. 

"You're okay. We're okay. We're somewhere safe." Neptune and the twins then rushed in through the doorway with a first aid kit in hand. All three of them were dirty and tired looking with remains of their party clothes clinging to them desperately. They seemed relived, however. Behind them I also noticed Henrie waiting in the doorway. 

"It's alright Abigail, you're going to be okay." Neptune reassured, handing Gemma a water bottle as Mercury started to change my bandage. "Gemma help her drink some water; she's dehydrated." 

Opening the bottle, Gemma held it up to my lips and with a shaky breath I took a sip before pushing it away. "What...what happened to my...leg?" Mercury took a seat on the floor near my leg and gently pulled of the bandage, revealing a long cut that was stitched shut.

"Glass from the explosion got your leg pretty bad. Henrie helped us get it all out though and we gave you stitches. We cleaned the wound so it shouldn't get infected." She informed as Henrie hesitantly entered the room. 

"I'm awfully glad your alright Abigail. When they brought you in it gave me quite a scare," he said, resting his skinny metal hand on my wrist as Mercury re-wrapped my leg. 

"Henrie has proven to be useful in medical emergencies." Mars admitted, nodding respectfully at him. 

"Where...where are we?" I asked, leaning heavily against Gemma. I couldn't believe she was here, it felt surreal. I felt like I was in a daydream. 

Resting her hand reassuringly over mine, Neptune spoke gently. 

"We're back in the warehouse. We would have moved but we were concerned about your injury. Humans aren't as easy to fix as robots." 

"I couldn't agree more with that." Jupiter agreed.

 In a second my anxiety was replaced by vicious anger, giving me rush of adrenaline stronger than any pain killer. Immediately rushing from the bed, I limped over to Jupiter and shoved him hard. "Why are you here? You shouldn't be here!" I screamed at him as he stumbled back, and the others quickly rushed between us. 

"Abby stop it! You're going to tear the stitches!" Gemma scolded. Instead I balled my fists and pushed past the twins and Neptune before hitting Jupiter's chest as hard as I could. He seemed unaffected by it however, instead I was the one feeling the pain. 

"Abigail lay back down!" 

"Abigail stop it!" 

"What's wrong with you?" 

They all shouted as they grabbed me and pulled me away from him. 

"He's a traitor! He works for Titan! I saw the tattoo!" I spat at him, struggling against everyone. 

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