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At first, I had been hesitant to leave Jupiter behind, but I quickly decided it wouldn't help any of us if the both of us got caught so instead I pushed past my fear of leaving him behind and began pulling myself through the dusty vents.

I had clue where I was going, I could barely see, and I dropped my gun. The only thing I had was my sledgehammer, and it was making a lot of noise as I dragged it through the vent. Things were looking bad, hopeless even. I wasn't even sure if Jupiter was right about Pluto being here, he could've been wrong, being he hadn't given any solid proof. I was starting to understand why the others were hesitant to do a rescue mission.

I hated to admit it, but I should've listened to Neptune.

It was too late now, especially being they knew I was here, and they seemed very interested in Neptune. I know it was a bad idea to mention her, but I wanted to scare them. I wanted them to know I wasn't just going to take this laying down and I planned on fighting back. Maybe that'd make Titan think twice before attacking us again, which would hopefully give us time to strike first this time.

First though I had to figure out a game plan, because I knew it'd only be a matter of time before they discovered me in the vents. Down below I could still hear the alarms going off, the sound of guns being fired, and the screeching of metal running up and down the halls as red lights blotted the hall. It was a war zone down there and the more ruckus I heard, the more nervous I became.

I had no clue what I was doing, I had no clue where I was going, and I had no clue what Jupiter expected me to do. I suppose trying to get out of this hell hole would be the wisest option, but I couldn't find it in my heart to leave without at attempting to rescue Pluto.

That was the whole point of this mission, to save him, and to prove to the others we were able to go rescue my family.

I couldn't give up without a fight. It was time for me to step up to the plate, no more being scared. I had to let my anger and fear guide me and become adrenaline. It was fight or flight and I chose fight. Furrowing my eyebrows in determination, I began to crawl faster down the vent.

Swallowing the rising lump in my throat, I then took a moment to analyze where I was. It was all dark though and I couldn't see anything but the warzone beneath me.

"Stay calm Abigail, stay calm." I muttered, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes for a moment to keep myself calm. When I opened them, I still saw nothing but the lights below. I couldn't seem to find anything past it, I was stuck. Cursing in frustration, I decided to start to taking turns instead of going forward. With determination, I began crawling again, only to jump back with a gasp. The metal, it was hot. I then realized the air was growing warmer as well. The heat, they turned on the heat. They were trying to flush me out.

"Oh no..." I breathed, as I turned around and started dragging myself through the vents in the opposite direction. Without trying to be quiet, I dragged myself through the vents so fast you could hear my body slamming around the metal as the heat fought to consumed me.

Within moments I was surrounded by it, and I cried out in pain as the metal started to burn my hands. If I didn't get out of the vents now, I was going to collapse from the sudden heat or be burned alive. Going towards the first exit I saw; I used the head of my sledgehammer to pound on the vent with all my strength as I gritted my teeth in pain. The hot metal hurt but it was just bearable. Any moment now, it was going to burn right through my clothing.

"Come on! Come on!" I screamed at the air vent and I hit it harder and harder and harder. It wasn't until it really seemed like all hope was lost that the vent popped open and I let myself fall out onto the ground.

Groaning, I took a couple of breaths to recollect myself before standing up and looking around to see where I landed. Instantly I grabbed my sledgehammer and held it up with a gasp as hundreds of beady eyes stared at me.

The difference between these Tinkers and the ones I had encountered before though was they were all caged and looked slightly different in various ways. Some of them were different colors, others were horribly disfigured, and the rest all looked half alive or already dead. Behind me there were tables with straps and tables filled corner to corner with equipment and bottled liquids.

It looked like the basement of a twisted serial killer.

"It's pretty terrifying isn't it?" A soft, accented voice said, and I swung my hammer in the direction of the voice as I turned to one of the cages to see a Tinker leaning against the bars.

"You...you can talk?" I squeaked.

"I'm the only one who can. Amid idiots, there's always a smart one." He then leaned forward and stared at me curiously. "I know you, you're Abigail Williams, aren't you?" He asked. At first, I hesitated on answering, but then found myself nodding slowly.

Shaking his head, he folded his paper-thin metal arms over his chest. "I would've stayed in hiding love, you can't fight the devil with a construction tool, only wit and a prayer," He said. Swallowing, I lowered the hammer.

"Why are all of you caged up?" I asked and he gestured around.

"We're experiments. Tinkers who stood out in our programming, or Tinkers they tried to better. We're the equivalent of mice and bunnies to them." He then stretched out a hand through the bars. "My name is Henrie, I'm the only one who's got one, other than my brother Pete. They ended the poor bugger long ago though," He said and oddly I felt my heart ache for the little guy as I shook his hand. It was cold, thin and felt fragile in mine.

"They killed your brother?" I asked quietly, afraid to talk above a meek voice in the quiet room.

"Dragged him straight out of my arms, never felt more defenseless in my life. You can't replace a good brother," He said, pulling his hand back and wrapping his arms back around himself. Nodding, I cautiously took a seat in front of the cage.

"They took my brother too; in fact, they took my whole family. I think their holding them for ransom and I'm afraid they might kill them if they haven't already," I said, and he nodded.

"It seems you and I have a common enemy Abigail." He sighed, lowering his head. "Is that why your here? To find them?" He asked.

"No, actually I'm here to rescue my friend Pluto, to prove to the others with us that we are capable of rescuing my family." I admitted, feeling my heart ache at the thought of failure. Looking up at me curiously, he gripped onto the bars once again.

"Do you know where he is?" He asked and I gestured towards the faint sound of alarms.

"If I did, I don't think all that commotion would be going on," I said, and he nodded thoughtfully as he then pointed to the left.

"If he's here he's most likely in the prison, it's just that way. You better hurry though, they'll be in here any moment." He urged. Giving him a surprise look, I quickly got up.

"Thank you, I appreciate the help Henrie," I said, preparing to walk away, but when I got one look at the poor guys face, I couldn't bear it.


"Yes?" He asked, standing up once again.

"You're against Titan, aren't you?" I inquired and nodded.

"Of course, I am, I hope you and your friends can bring him to his knees in justice for all those he wronged," He said sincerely. Without hesitation then, I walked over to the cage he was in and hit the lock with my sledgehammer until it broke off. "What are you doing Abigail?" He asked in alarm as he moved back in the cage.

"I think you'd be an asset for helping me find my family and like you said we have a common enemy," I said as I then pulled off the shattered pieces of the lock and opened the cage.

"Come with me Henrie, I won't leave you here to die." 


I am really excited about Henrie, he's a character I've been anticipating adding to the story for awhile now and I think he's going to be a great addition! 

Stay tuned: I've got one more chapter coming your way tonight!


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