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Muffled voices.

I could hear muffled voices far off.

They weren't loud enough for me to make sense of, but loud enough to wake me up.

Something I was grateful for after the terrifying dream I had.

My sisters, Toby and I were being chased by monsters through an office building and the monsters got us. One by one I watched them catch each of my siblings and drag them off as I watched helplessly. It was more terrifying to me then my usual nightmare.

Groaning softly, I rolled over onto my back and let my eyes flutter open. My room was bright from the sunlight, so it took a moment for my eyes to adjust.

When they finally did, I frowned. My posters were missing and my photos. The curtain draped over my window was gone to, as was the window. That was when I also noticed, my bed covers were different. I had never seen these brown blankets before in my life. "What the hell..." I muttered as I lifted the covers to examine them and noticed my hands were scraped.

How did they get-

Gasping loudly, I sat up fast. This wasn't my room. This wasn't my bed. And my bad dream wasn't a bad dream. "No, no, no." I whimpered, quickly throwing my back my covers and jumping out of the bed.

It all came rushing back to me then.

The attack on my house, Mac, the shooting, the office building, Toby and Naomi getting dragged away, Gemma getting shot.

All of it.

The last thing I remembered was dragging myself across the ground, desperately trying to get to Naomi and the sword being driven through the humanoid man. That meant I must be in their house. Those monsters. The others must be here to, and if they were, I was going to break us all out. Taking a deep breath to try to calm my pounding pulse, I grabbed the lamp off the night stand and held it close. Gripping it for dear life, I moved towards the door and when I tried the door knob I was surprised to find it unlocked. I guess they hadn't been expecting me to wake up so soon. Bravely I made my way out of the bedroom and into the hall.

For scary evil robots, they sure lived in an innocent looking house.

The perfect cover.

Trying to avoid making noise, I quietly shuffled down the hall. I could still hear the voices and now that I was out of the bedroom, I could tell they were coming from downstairs. If I was quiet enough, maybe I could catch them by surprise. Barely touching the ground with each step, I slowly walked down the hall and inched down the stairs. Fortunately, none of the steps were squeaky. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I scoped out the area. It was a big house, but it looked normal. I didn't see any weapons laying around, vicious dogs, or vials of poison. That didn't mean I could let my guard down though.

"No Mercury, I'm telling you my hand beats yours. Stop being a tightwad and pay me my money!" I heard a man's voice shout from the kitchen area, directing my attention towards it. That must be where they were.

"I'll pay you when you learn how to play cards," A woman said in turn as I closed in on the kitchen. In the middle of it, a very similar looking guy and girl with dark hair were bent over a card game sharing a cigar. They were both clearly bigger than me and I wasn't sure the lamp could do much to protect me but I wasn't making a run for it without my siblings. Not without trying to find them first.

"If I don't know how to play cards, then I guess you don't either because you were the one who taught-"

When I stepped into the kitchen the guy stopped talking and the girl, Mercury, turned back to look at me. "Oh, she has a lamp. That can't be good," She said, totally calm. Without waiting any longer, I then charged her with it but mid-swing she stood up and caught it.

"Lamps don't do much, especially when you know it's coming," The guy said, putting out the cigar as Mercury took the lamp from me. Quickly I moved back.

"Where are they? Where are my siblings? What did you do with them?" I shouted as the guy stood up.

"Abigail, calm down please. It's okay," He said but I shook my head fast.

"No! No! Where are they? Did you kill them? Where are my brother and sisters?" I yelled in return, feeling my heartrate speed up. Instead of answering me though, he reached for me. Before he could grab me though, I dodged his grip and made a break for the living room. I had to get out of here, I had to go get help. I was crazy to think I could handle this situation on my own.

"Abigail?" I heard another girls voice say upon me entering the living room and I paused when I saw the dark-skinned girl with fierce brown eyes who had driven the sword through the robotic man. She was sitting on the couch with a magazine. Unlike the ones in the kitchen, she more average size in stature and had a less intimidating disposition. "Abigail, its okay," She said, beginning to rise but before I could respond the guy and the girl from the kitchen burst into the living room. Remembering then I was aiming to escape, I dashed past the couch and made a run for the front door but before I took a third step the girl on the couch rose with amazing speed and grabbed my arm. "No Abigail! You can't go out there!" She informed urgently and I screamed at the top of my lungs as I tried to get out of her surprisingly strong grip.

"Help me! Someone help me please!" I shrieked and quickly she let me go but still blocked my way to the door.

"Abigail, Abigail please calm down. It's okay. We're not going to hurt you," She said, remaining calm as the guy pulled out a small gun from his belt.

"Want me to put her back to sleep?" He asked, as they spread across the living room, blocking all the exits. I was outnumbered.

"Get away from me! Let me go!" I yelled at the three of them as I backed into the corner, my eyes fixated on the barrel of the gun, if he shot me with that, I'd be out cold and helpless again.

"Absolutely not Mercury! Put it away, your scaring the poor thing!" The unnamed girl scolded before turning back to me. "Abigail it's okay. Really, please don't be scared." She tried once again, but instead I slid down to the ground and curled up in the corner as I started crying uncontrollably.

"Where are they? Where's Gemma, Toby and Naomi?" I whimpered and they all shared looks. "Where are they? Where's my family? I want my family!'' I shouted, just as Pluto and Jupiter both dashed into the living room.

"What's going on?" Pluto shouted and Jupiter gestured to me.

"We told you to get us the instant she woke up! What's wrong with you?" He asked and the two from the kitchen held up their hands defensively.

"We didn't get the chance, she saw us and flipped out. We didn't mean to scare her, we were just trying to calm her down," Mercury said defensively. Upon seeing Jupiter and Pluto though, I instantly felt myself calm down a little as I pulled myself up.

"Come here Abby, it's okay," Jupiter said reassuringly and quickly I rushed into his arms before hugging him tightly as the others watched.

"W-What's going on J-Jupiter? What's g-going on?"

Ahhhhh! I always get so happy when I can update two days in row, it makes me feel really accomplished! :)

I wish I had a long authors note for y'all but tbh I don't have much to say on this beAutiful fall day lol.


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