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"Shit. Did the train just stop?" Gemma dared to ask after an alarming moment of silence. 

"Yeah, yeah it did." Neptune breathed, tightening her grip on her sword. I had seen her look a little unsure of herself before, but this time she seemed absolutely petrified. They all did. 

"The Minds are the good guys, right?" I dared to ask as I slowly stood up, praying the train would start. Knowing our luck though something less desirable was going to happen instead. 

"They are, unless they think you're the bad guy." Mars uttered. Switching her clenched fists to her handguns, Mercury shifted her stance to a fighting one. 

"We need to get off this train." A loud bang was then heard on the roof from something heavy landing on it. "Now." 

"I'm afraid to ask, but what happens if they catch us?" Henrie asked, gripping onto Gemma's arm. 

"Their going to shut us down." Pluto breathed as what seemed to be footsteps sounded above us, then the screeching of metal was heard as the roof of the cargo car began to peel back with ease. When it did two bright red eyes peered down at us before letting out a low metallic growl. 

"Robbies!" Neptune shouted as the twins acted fast to bust the door of the train car open. 

"Go! Go! We can lose them in the woods!" Mercury shouted as she grabbed Pluto and Mars grabbed me. 

"Your going to have to jump Abigail!" He shouted, pushing me towards the edge and without thinking about it I leaped out of the car and landed in the grass next to track. A moment later Pluto, Gemma, Neptune and the twins came after me. Once they had all scrambled to their feet, Mars help Pluto to his feet and Neptune helped me to mine. When I looked back, I saw a metallic beast, one we hadn't crossed yet, tearing into the roof of the car. It hadn't noticed us running desperately for the woods though, because it was more interested in something in the car. 

That was when I noticed a member of our party was missing. 

"Wait, where's Henrie? Henrie!" I shouted, pulling back against Neptune as I whipped around to see Henrie still standing in the doorway of the car, looking up at the red glow from the beast's eyes as it reflected off him. "Henrie! Run!" I screamed, starting towards him, but Neptune held me back as two silver tentacles reached out from the creature's mouth and slowly wrapped themselves around Henrie. Then, In the blink of an eye they pulled him into its mouth, and he disappeared. "Henrie!" I found myself yelling, but my voice was drowned out by an ear-piercing roar as the creature pulled its head out of the train car and looked directly at us. It was unlike anything I had ever seen.

 Its eyes glowed a bright red, its body was the shape of a lion, but its head was designed like a lizards. It was bigger than both those animals combine though and could easily fit two of us in its mouth. It was incredible and terrifying. Even more so when I noticed a second one crawling over the train. "Its time to go Abigail!" Neptune urged and quickly we began stumbling into the woods behind the others as both the monsters shrieked to signal the start of their hunt, jumped off the train cars, then began to run towards the entrance of the woods. 

"What the hell are those?" I asked, feeling weakened by emotion as Neptune wrapped a hand around my waist to support me. She then turned her other one into a handgun and fired off bullets behind us. 

"Their watch dogs for the Minds! If those things catch up to us its going to be bad!" Neptune shouted before stopping and hunching down. "Get on my back, I can run faster if I don't have to drag you," She said and without hesitation I hopped on before Neptune began running once more, still firing behind her as we caught up to the others. While she ran, I dared to glimpse back at the creatures, and I felt my blood run cold as I watched them take down anything blocking their paths with ease. 

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