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The anger I felt when I left the hospital was a kind of anger I had never felt before in my entire life. It wasn't the kind that made you want to cry. It wasn't the kind that made you introverted. It wasn't the kind that made you want to hit a wall or a person. It was the kind that burned so strong it pushed your person beyond a point of reason and made you willing to kill the one responsible. Nothing but that violent act your entire body ached to do could relieve you from the demon who had grabbed on.

The entire time I was driving my ears were ringing from the buzzing of the beacon, my knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel and I had trouble keeping twitching foot still over the gas. I was going to find Titan and I was going to make him pay for his sins then rescue my family from wherever he had them captive. He wasn't going to take anyone from me or hurt anyone close to me again. I wouldn't let him.

Following the nurse's direction, I soon stumbled upon the antique shop and this time didn't bother to hide the car in the parking lot. I pulled into the first spot I could and without turning off the car I put the gun out from under my seat in my waistband and got out. Glancing around to make sure the cost was clear, I made a beeline across the street and headed inside. When I stepped in warmth greeted me and I shivered a little as I looked around. The shop seemed to be a gift shop of sorts, but everything looked like Greek and Roman artifacts.

I didn't have time to admire it though because I was on a mission.

Turning to the counter I saw an older woman behind the counter polishing a small statue of sorts. She didn't quite look old enough to be a grandmother, but she looked older then my mother. Gripping the gun in my waistband I approached her. "Are you Mel?" I asked and she glanced up at me slowly. At first, she look unamused that I had interrupted her, but then after she looked at me for a moment she shot up and pulled out a shotgun from underneath the counter.

"Who's asking?" She demanded, making me gasped as I drew out my gun as well. Little good that would do me though, being I had no clue how to use it.

"Whoa! Whoa lady calm down! I'm not here to hurt you!" I shouted.

"That gun in your hand would say otherwise!" She shouted back, snapping her trigger into place.

"You pulled yours out first!" I then held up my free hand. "Look I'll put it back okay, I'll put my gun back just don't shoot me please." I begged as she aimed her shotgun at me.

"You have one breath to tell me who you are or I'm going to blow you around my store!"

Quickly I held up both my hands in peace as I backed away. "Abigail Williams! My name is Abigail Williams Pluto sent me!"

"That doesn't prove nothing to me. What's the code?" She asked, still aiming at me. Oh man, oh man what was the code? I had been listening when Pluto said it but it had been so chaotic. "Well?" It had been something about a room. No! No, a program. Something about getting a program to work, maybe like a test drive? "Five...Four...three." Not a test drive, not a test drive. It was a...a... "two..."

"I want to try the program!" I then blurted, before grimacing as I prepared for her to shoot me. Instead she lowered the gun with a suddenly friendly smile and put the gun away.

"Abigail Williams as I live and breathe. I always knew this day would come," She said, making me dare to open my eyes. I guess I didn't look so brave anymore.

"You...you were going to shot me?" I gasped as I put my gun away in my waistband.

"Yes, I was. You're not the first Abigail Williams to come through here," She said, going back to polishing her statue.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked, daring to move closer to the counter.

"It means Titan likes to play games. Always sending his goonies in here looking for trouble, but they never get back to him," She said proudly. "So, what brings you here?"

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