Couch moment

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That night:

Two muscular figure was sleeping soundly on the huge bed, in one of the rooms.

The slightly tanned one had one of his leg wrapped around the bolster while the other figure just slept with his arms and legs spreaded widely on the bed.

Both of them were busy in their dreamland when suddenly, a loud thud echoed through the whole rest house, followed by a soft grunt.

Thankfully, only one of the two figure woke up due to the sound. The tanned one just continued sleeping despite the sound coming from the living room.

This leaves the one with a fairer skin complexion to check out what's happening.

As the figure walkes out of his room, he spotted a familar figure sitting on the floor, massaging her left ankle.


"Huh? Tae?" Tiffany squinted her eye to catch a glimpse of the latter.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Taeyeon squatted beside Tiffany, staring at her with his sleepy eyes.

"I just wanted to use the bathroom, but..i ended up falling down..."  Tiffany tried to get up, but failed to since her ankle had not recovered yet.

"You could at least called Jessica to help you right?" Taeyeon said as he support Tiffany to prevent her from hitting her butt on the floor again.

"She'll scold me if i wake her up.."

"Then you should wake me up..i won't scold you...never.."

"Thanks but...i really don't want to bother anyone.."

Taeyeon sighs. He picked Tiffany up from the ground gently, putting one of his amr over her shoulder, supporting her towards the bathroom.

"Thanks you, Tae..." Tiffany smiled.

"It's nothing.."

"Just call my name when you're done, okay?" Taeyeon placed Tiffany on the toilet bowl.


Taeyeon exited the bathroom and waited outside for Tiffany to signal him that she finish peeing.

Few minutes later, the bathroom door opened, revealing an eyesmiling figure standing infront of Taeyeon.

"Yah~ I told you to call me when you're done.." Taeyeon frowned, as he helps the girl out of the bathroom, towards the living room.

"It's's not like i totally can't walk right?" Tiffany joked.

"Aisshh..i just don't want you to fall again.." Taeyeon was about to twist the door knob to enter Tiffany's and Jessica's room, when Tiffany slapped his hand to make him retract it from the knob.

"Why did you slap me?"

"I'm sorry..i just wanted to prevent you from opening the door.."

"Why? Aren't you gonna sleep?"

"Maybe not..I'm not sleepy..."

"Eh? Serious?"

"Yeah..don't worry i'll be can go back and sleep..just place me on the sofa.." Tiffany pinted to the brown comfy sofa.

Taeyeon walked towards the sofa that Tiffany pinted and place her on it, before taking a seat beside her.

Tiffany stared at him, as if waiting for him to get up or something.

"What?" Taeyeon asked when he caught someone staring at him.

"Arent you sleeping? I told you i'll be fine don't have to worry..just go back.." Tiffany tried to push Taeyeon off the couch, but he just wouldn't budge.

"Why are you pushing me? I'm not sleepy too.." Taeyeon said.

"Really? You don't have to do this, you know? Just sleep, i don't want to be accused of causing you to have dark eye circles the next morning..." Tiffany joked.

"I told you i'm not sleepy.."

"Your sure?"

"Yeah.." Taeyeon lied. Truthfully, he was tired as hell. He swear he could fall a sleep in less than a second if he was lying on the bed now. But, he couldn't possibly just leave Tiffany alone on the couch, in the living room. What if someone broke in in the middle of the night and гɑре her?

Taeyeon shake his head to get rid of the thought.

"So what do you wanna do?" Taeyeon asked the girl beside him.

"I don't know..You?"

Taeyeon shrugged, staring at the wall in front of him.

Silence overtake them.

He felt his eyes closing.

His mind was mentally fighting with his eyes.

Don't close.

Don't close.

Don't cl....zzzzzzz..

He fell asleep.

He had his head on Tiffany shoulder, while leaning his back comfortably on the sofa.

Tiffany chuckled as she looked at the sleeping figure beside her.

She enjoyed the pressure his head was applying onto her shoulder.

She enjoyed the soft snoring that is coming from the tired latter.

"I told you to go back and sleep.." Tiffany mumbled.

She was happy that Taeyeon actually tried to keep himslef awake to accompany her.  She felt protected with Taeyeon sleeping beside her.

Soon, she felt sleepy too. Tiffany allowed her eyes to close, leaning her head on Taeyeon's head, supporting her neck.

The two of them stayed in that position, as they went into their respective dreamland, hoping to meet each other there.

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