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"Tae, you don't have to send me back home today..i'll be at the library with Wooyoung...He'll send me home.."

"Okay...sure thing, Fany.." Taeyeon walked away sadly.

It has been a few days since Taeyeon overheard Wooyoung's confession towards Tiffany. Tiffany has also been real close with Wooyoung, sometimes ignoring Taeyeon. Taeyeon has been skipping school and even ignoring the calls from Tiffany and Yuri. He didn't have the courage to go to school, he knew he'll be heartbroken if he did that, seeing all the intimate moments between Wooyoung and Tiffany.

Just then, his phone rings.

He pick the phone up from his bed, looking at the caller ID.

It was Yuri.

He decided to answer the phone.

"Hello..." He answered groggily.

"Tae...what happened? You've been absent from school for 3 days...are you sick?" Yuri asked, full of concern.

"I'm fine...just..slight flu.." Taeyeon lied.

"I are you coming to school today? All of us are worried about you..especially Tiffany..she said you ignored her call too, she's afraid to look for you as she thought she had done something wrong.."

"She's afraid...more like she's she's busy with wooyoung.." Taeyeon mumbled.

"Mwo? What did you say?"

"Nothing..i'll probably go to school today..."

"Okay then..see you later.."


Taeyeon hang up the call.

He got up from his comfy bed, heading to the bathroom to carry out his daily routine.

At school:

Taeyeon walked along the corridoor, heading towards his locker to retrieve some books and notes for today's lesson.

His eyes were drooping, it was puffy too. And it was all because of the continuous crying.

As soon as he close the locker door, Yuri appeared right in front of him.


"Hey.." Taeyeon gave him a weak smile.

"Yah..what's with you...."

"I-I'm just..tired.."

"Of what?"

"Tired of living.." Taeyeon sighed.


Tiffany gave him a shining smile.

"Hi...Fany.." He greeted coldly.

Tiffany frowned at how she was being treated by Taeyeon.

"Tae wha-"

"Let's talk after school..i need to rush for lessons now.." Taeyeon interrupted Tiffany, walking towards his class.

Tiffany looked at Yuri...she got a shrugged in return..leaving her dumbfounded with Taeyeon's sudden change in his behaviour.

-Let's skip to after school, shall we?-

Taeyeon stuff everything in his bag, he slung his backpack over his shoulder, sliding his hands into his jeans' pockets. On the way out of the school, he was blocked by a fair and slender arm.

He looked up from the ground. It was Tiffany's arm.

"Did i do something wrong?" Tiffany asked, it was kinda obvious that's she's sad.

"Huh?" Taeyeon was shocked, he didn't expect Tiffany to ask him this question.

"Did i make you angry? Why are you ignoring me?"

"No you didn't..and i'm not ignoring you.." Taeyeon avoided eye contact wit the latter.

"Then why aren't you waiting for me? I thought you said you'll fetch me home everyday..." Tiffany pouted, remebering the promise Taeyeon made.

"That was just...nonsense..."

"Nonsense?" Tiffany was hurt.

"Yeah...besides it's not neccessary now..."

"What do you mean.."

"Don't you have your boyfriend? Where is he? Why isn't he fetching you home instead?"

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about?" Tiffany was clueless at what Taeyeon was talking about.

"Don't lie, Fany...i heard Wooyoung's confession..." Taeyeon gritted his teeth.

"You heard him confessing to me at the library?"


"Didn't you heard my answer towards his confession?

"No...i don't want to know..i know you'll accept him anyway.." Taeyeon frowned.

"So you assume that i accepted him?" Tiffany asked with a slight smile on her face. She finally knew the reason behind Taeyeon's grumpy behaviour


"Well...don't you know that assumption is not always correct?"

"Of course i know..but I'm sure my assumption this time is correct..."

"I'm be honest...this time..your assumption is wrong..." Tiffany chuckled.


"I didn't accept Wooyoung.."


"Please?" Wooyoung begged.

"I-I'm sorry, wooyoung....You're a great friend..but..i just don't have those special feelings towards you.."

"I'm just your friend?" Wooyoung asked sadly.

"No! You're my good older brother to me..and i will never want to lose an awesome friend like you.."

"But..i've always love you.."

"I'm really sorry Wooyoung..can we just stay as friends?" Tiffany offeref a handshake.

Wooyoung sighs. He then shook Tiffany's hand.

"So friends?" Tiffany smiled.

"Friends!" Wooyoung smiled back.

"Can i ask you a question, Tiffany?"


"Are you rejecting me because of Taeyeon?"

"......I..don't know...My feelings for him are still vague..."

"........Don't worry...i'm sure you'll know one day..and if you're with Taeyeon..I'll be happy..i can tell he likes you too.." Wooyoung teases.

Tiffany blushed. Slapping the latter's arm playfully."

Flashback ends-

"So you're still single?"

"Yup...Single and available.."

"Really? WOOO~" Taeyeon pumped his fist in the air.

"Why are you so happy?" Tiffany chuckled. Happy seeing the cheerful Taeyeon.

"Because this means i still stand a chance!" Taeyeon smiled.

Tiffany face turned red immediately..She was flustered.

Taeyeon chuckled at her reaction.

"Come on..let's go for lunch..."

Taeyeon held Tiffany hand gently..with Tiffany blushing madly...

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