Chapter 1

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Harry's P.O.V

I walked into my first class before anyone else and immediately took the seat in the very back. The bell rang and the room filled with students. Some blonde kid sat next to me, only because there was no more seats left.

Three minutes had passed and the teacher still hadn't come, the class was turning into complete anarchy. It was quite loud and I wouldn't be surprised if we were disturbing the class next door. "Hey! Newbie." Someone shouted, but I ignored them knowing they were talking to me. I felt something hit the back of my head, I  looked at the floor to see a crumbled piece of paper. I looked back up and glared at the door. Could she take any longer?

As if on cue, the teacher walked in "Simmer down, simmer down." She set down a stack of papers onto her desk and walked to the front. "Hello everyone. I'm Mrs.Teasdale and I will be your English teacher this year." She started to tell the class about herself, but I wasn't paying attention. Don't get me wrong I was trying to, but it was hard with someone kicking the back of my chair. I wanted to tell them to stop, but if they didn't I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself.

"Alright so I want you to turn to your shoulder partner and introduce yourself." She instructed. Great. I turned to his side the blonde boy, turning to look at me as well. The boy smiled brightly.

"Hi I'm Niall." He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I looked down at his hand before looking back at his eyes. "Harry." I replied coldly. I turned to face the front again but Niall coughed obnoxiously to get my attention again.

"Aren't you going to shake my hand?" He held his hand out once more.

"I don't like to be touched." I gritted my teeth.

"O-okay." Niall replied shakily. "So I'm assuming your new here. Have you made any friends yet?"

"No, and I don't plan to." I snapped.

"Too late, because I'm your friend now." Niall shrugged, facing forward again.

"No, you aren't." I looked at the boy astonished. Who did he think he was?

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are no–"

"Okay class, I think that's enough introductions for now." Mrs. Teasdale said. She glanced down at her watch. "And it looks like we're out of time! So I'll see you tomorrow." The bell rang and every one walked out. I walked down the hall as I was shoved into the wall. I shut my eyes and clenched my fist, trying to contain myself. I counted to ten in my head and headed off to my next class, physics.

I got into the classroom and noticed there wasn't many people in here. I chose a seat at a desk in the back in front of the lab tables, I didn't want to have to sit directly by some douche. The boys that were bothering me  before walked in with a few people from the group missing. The one with the black hair scanned the room and smirked once he spotted me. He nudged the other guys and nodded towards me. No no no.

They all walked back and took seats at the lab tables. "Hey curly." The black haired boy whispered. I stayed silent. Zayn gripped my hair and yanked it backwards. "I'm talking to you. What are you mute or something?" He snarled. Finally the teacher walked in.

"Zayn Malik! Release that boy's hair right now." He folded his arms. Zayn released my hair and pushed my head roughly, nearly making my head hit the desk. He headed his lab table, muttering curse words under his breath. "Anyway I'm Mr. Higgins, your physics teacher. I'm going to call role."

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