Chapter 10

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Harry's P.O.V

Louis left about three hours ago but here I am still sitting on a stool star struck. This kiss was better than the first. It was slow and sweet, he didn't taste like alcohol. There was only one problem. I was falling for my friend. I couldn't let that happen.

Not only because he was my friend, but because he was a horny teenage boy. I may trust him more than I trust most people doesn't mean I trust him. Getting close to people and putting too much faith in them is how I got myself raped.

I glanced at the clock to see it was seven thirty. It's not to early to go to bed right? I dragged myself up the stairs, and stripped off all of my clothes leaving me in my boxers. I curl under my covers wishing Louis was here for me to hold like he was last week.


I woke up to the blaring noise of my alarm in my ear. I groaned turning it off and getting out of bed. I headed to my closet and pulled out a plain black t-shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. I slipped them on and retrieved my boots.

I headed out the door not bothering with breakfast. I walked down to the school and spotted Niall standing out side. His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw me. "Harry!" He yelled.

"Hey Ni." I smiled.

"Have you seen Louis yet?" He asked and I grimaced a bit remembering what happened yesterday. If I thought it was awkward before it was going to be worse now.

"Nope haven't seen him."

"Oh wait I see him with–Liam?" He furrowed his eyebrows. I turned around and the sight I saw made my stomach drop. He was with Liam. Not just with Liam, but holding hands with Liam.

"Sorry I'm late lads." He smiled but I could care less. All I could focus on was their intertwined hands.

"Hey Louis, what's going on here." Niall spoke up pointing between him and Liam.

"Oh I feel awful. This is Liam, my boyfriend." That catches my attention, I snap my head up and meet Louis gaze.

"Boyfriend?" I repeat.

"Yes, boyfriend." He smiled at Liam. I think I'm going to be sick.

"Well I for one am very happy for you, Lilo?" Niall said.

"Lilo?" Louis chuckled.

"Yeah it's your ship name." Niall smiled proudly.

"Okay, Harry?" He looked up at me hopefully.

"Yeah that's just great, best wishes." My voice cracks at the end as I stormed off into the bathroom. I got into a stall and locked myself in it. I pulled my knees into my chest and sobbed into them. The bell rang but I couldn't give two fucks.

Louis was the one thing in a long time that could put a smile on my face and now he was gone. I felt as if my heart had been physically ripped out of my chest when he said boyfriend. So when he kissed me it meant nothing to him? I was just a toy for him to play with. I heard the door open and I tried to silence my sobs.

"Is someone in here?" The mystery man called out, but I stayed silent. "I can hear you sniffling." He sighed. There was no point in hiding anymore. I got up to my feet and unlocked the door. The boy looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. "Harry?" Fear cast through his eyes.

"Yeah?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was he so scared of me. "Why are you afraid?"

"I don't know maybe because the last time I saw you, you were shoving me me onto the ground?" That's when it clicked. Ashton.

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