Chapter 9

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Liam's P.O.V

I was quite surprised when Louis called. We were never that much of friends in the first place, let alone when he decided to stop being friends with everyone in the group. I pulled up to the house he gave me the address to and he hopped inside. We drove silently, until arriving at a small cafe. We sat down and ordered our drinks. "So what did you want to talk about."

"So you know that new kid harry?" He sighed.

"Oh the one that busted Zayn's face?" I leaned forward. I wasn't stupid like the rest of them. I told Zayn it was a bad idea to mess with him considering what he did to Louis' arm. Once he knocked Zayn out I knew I was right and made the smart decision to leave.

"Yeah, well when I left you guys I really didn't have any other friends so I befriended him."

"Okay? I don't really see a problem here." I chuckled.

"Well we got drunk yesterday and I might of accidentally kissed him. I'm pretty sure he hates me now."

"I doubt he hates you because of a drunken kiss."

"What about because of a sober kiss." He mumbled.

"Wait you kissed him twice?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah." He sighed. "Liam what do I do?"

"Well let him know the kiss meant nothing and maybe it can go back to normal." I shrugged. It was a simple solution, just explain himself not that hard.

"Yeah well there might be this one other thing." He fumbled with his fingers.

"And what would that one thing be?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I might have a small crush on him."

"Wait what? You've never had a crush. Ever." I stared at him disbelievingly. I never thought I'd see the day that the Louis Tomlinson would have a crush.

"Well when I kissed him, it felt different. I can't explain it except for I craved for more, like a drug. You know?" He looked up at me and I nodded. "But asked him if he wanted to pretend it didn't happen and he said yes." His eyes began to gloss over.

"So you think he doesn't like you?" I asked.

"I don't think Liam, I know."

"Did he kiss you back when you kissed him?" He nodded. "Who pulled back first?"

"Me, I guess." He mumbled.

"Then he obviously likes you back." I rolled my eyes.

"No he doesn't. Why would you say that?" He snapped.

"He kissed you back and you pulled away not him." I shrugged.

"Maybe it was just the romantic atmosphere or he hasn't gotten any in a while."

"Okay. I'll prove it to you. Will you be my boyfriend?" I grabbed his hand but he snatched it back.

"Hell no! What the actual fuck Liam?" He screeched.

"Not really, fake boyfriend. Think of it as an experiment. If he gets jealous when he sees us together, then he likes you. If he's not bothered what so ever then he doesn't." I shrugged.

"Okay." He said hesitantly. "But what about Zayn? He'll freak!"

"Don't worry about it I'll deal with him." I smiled.

We both got up and he pulled me into a tight embrace. "Thank you Liam, it means a lot." He mumbled into my shoulder.

"No problem mate." I smiled, pulling back. "I've got to run but I'll pick you up for school tomorrow?"

"Yeah that'd be great." He smiled. "Hey Liam?"


"Would you mind driving me home? You were kind of my ride here." He chuckled.

"Sure." I laughed. After I dropped Louis off I decided it would be best for me to tell Zayn now and not have to deal with him finding out from other people, that would just make him even more pissed. I rang his bell and it swung open. His bruises had faded for the most part but you could still tell they were there.

"Hey Liam." He sighed.

"Hey can I uh talk to you." I fumbled with my fingers.

"Sure come on in." He lead me inside to the couch and we sat down. "So what did you want to talk about?" He smiled.

"I'm um in a relationship and I wanted you to hear it from me before you hear it around school." I explained.

"Oh who is the lucky lady or lad?" He smirked.

"I know you will hate me if I tell you." I mumbled.

"C'mon Li, I could never hate you." He nudged my shoulder.

"It's Lou." I breathed out.

"Lou? As in Louis Tomlinson?" He gritted his teeth and I slowly nodded. "Get out."

"W-what?" I looked up at him.

"Get out! Now!" He yelled making me jump. Knowing what Zayn is capable of I didn't push him any farther. I walked out the house and shut the door behind me. I climbed into my car and pressed my head against the steering wheel, but not hard enough that the horn would go off.

Zayn knew I was bisexual so it wasn't the problem that he found out I'm 'dating' a guy. The problem is that he probably hates me now, when the person I really want to be with is Zayn.

I've been in love with Zayn for a long time now. We had become friends when we were just toddlers. When I turned thirteen I began to question my sexuality because I had developed feelings for Zayn. He was the first one I told and he was very supportive, it gave me the small hope that he liked me back.

That small hope had now been crushed into a million pieces. He hated Louis' guts now. Not only will I never have a relationship with Zayn, but now I don't even have a friendship with him.


A/n: oooh the plot thickens lmao. I think I'll update this again later today but idk. Hope you liked it, and if you didn't let me know! I love feedback xoxo

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