Chapter 4

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Harry's P.O.V

Even though Louis forced me to hang out with him, I actually had a good time. It wasn't anywhere near how happy I was before Nick, but baby steps. We were driving to my house and having a little conversation along the way. We had finally arrived and I was walking up my driveway, I stopped. "Um, Louis?"

"Hm?" He turned to look at me.

"Thank you, for today. I had fun." I gave him a small smile.

"No problem, anytime you want to hang out let me know." He smiled.

"By any chance would you want to stay the night?" I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He turned off his car and got out walking up the driveway with me.

"Mum, Louis' staying the night." I yelled.

My mum emerged from the kitchen. "Okay that's fine as long as you boys don't stay up late."

"We won't." I kissed her cheek, catching her off guard and we headed up stairs. We sat down on my bed in silence, yet it wasn't awkward one but more of a comfortable one. "Can I ask you something?" I turned to him.

"Go ahead." He smiled.

"Why did you want to hang out with me so badly? I'm not that interesting."

"Because, your different than other people at school. I don't know exactly what it is but you just are. You were closed off and I wanted to get to know you better." He was blushing a bit but it was adorable.

"I'd love to get to know you better too. There's something about you, like I'm comfortable with you and I kind of trust you. If it were anyone else I wouldn't have told you about how I knew James, I would've just said it was nothing. But something made me want to tell you." I confessed.

"So wait are we friends?" He asked.

"I guess so." I chuckled. The entire night went on like that, we had multiple conversations about stupid stuff. For once since the incident I smiled. Not the fake on I gave people when I convinced them I was fine. No this was a genuine smile. We ended up going to sleep around midnight because we were too busy talking.

"Harry someone's here for you!" My mum yelled.

"Send them up." I shouted back. My door swung open to reveal the one and only Nick Grimshaw. "Nick." I squeaked.

"Hello, Harold. I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to." He stroked my arm.

"I-I thought you were in jail." I stuttered.

"I got out on good behavior." He smirked. "Now to do what I came here for." He shoved me down on the bed, pinning me down. I tried to scream but I couldn't, I tried to fight back but I couldn't.

"Harry?" I turned to face the door to see Louis standing there. "Are you alright?" I tried to speak but I couldn't. "Harry, your scaring me." He squeaked, and it all faded away into darkness.

I opened my eyes to see Louis hovering above me. "Are you okay?" His eyebrows knitted together.

"I-I'm fine why would you ask that?" I swiped my forehead and I could feel the sweat all over it.

"You were screaming in your sleep, I was really worried." He said.

"Oh yeah just a nightmare." I forced a laugh.

"Oh Harry." He flung his arms around me and I stiffened. He pulled back immediately. "Sorry."

"No, please hug me. I really need it." I said quietly and he hesitantly pulled me into a tight embrace. It was calming I didn't feel uncomfortable or in danger. It felt warm and comforting. I released him and looked into his eyes. "Thank you." I smiled. We sat on the bed in silence.

"Would you mind me asking what it was about?" He asked.

"Maybe, someday. But not today I'm not ready." I sighed heavily.

"I understand." He nodded.

"Thank you." I whispered. "What time is it?"

He glanced at the alarm clock. "Uh seven thirty."

"We might as well start getting dressed. You can borrow some of my clothes." I swept off the covers and walked to my closet, grabbing myself a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans and a shirt that was too tight for me. I turned around to see him staring me down, considering I was only in boxers. "Like what you see." I quirked my eyebrow. He blushed deeply and I threw him the tighter shirt.

We ran down stairs, to find my mum making pancakes. "Morning boys, how'd you sleep?"

"Fine." I kissed her cheek before sitting down at the table and Louis followed, sitting next to me. My mum set down our plates and we scarfed our pancakes down.

"Anne these are amazing." Louis moaned in delight.

"Why thank you Louis." She smiled. I looked down at my watch to see it was eight o'clock.

"We really must be going, come on Louis." I got up from my seat and retrieved my backpack. Louis followed and grabbed his bag as well. We hopped into his car and he started it. "Can you not like tell anyone about this morning? It was kind of embarrassing." I chuckled.

"Yeah no problem. But for the record I thought it was adorable." He teased.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes playfully. We arrived and walked down the hall deep in conversation, ignoring the weird looks we were both getting.

"Harry?" Me and Louis both stopped talking and turned to see a very anxious Niall.

"Hey Niall what's up?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you." He looked over to Louis. "Alone."


A/n: just wanted to quickly say happy larryversary! I'm actually trying to update all of my stories today in honor of the anniversary. Three years, wow. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading! Xoxo

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