Chapter 8

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Louis P.O.V

The day was over and I was thankful for it. The entire day felt like it just dragged on and on. It consisted mainly of Niall deciding to leave me and Harry in an awkward silence because of the stupid drunken kiss we had. Harry just wanted to be friends, but I didn't.

I've had many relationships in my life time and every time I shared a kiss with one of them, it didn't feel the way it did when I kissed Harry. When I kissed him it felt different, special. It was like everything stopped. Time was frozen, it was just me and him. Nothing was wrong with the world. For a few seconds everything was perfect.

I rushed to my locker and put my books away. I released all of my anger and slammed it closed. I pressed my forehead against the cold metal and shut my eyes.

I ruined the friendship me and Harry had. It was awkward now anytime we were alone. I feel so stupid thinking that he could actually like me. Why would he?

I was short, had disgusting straight brown hair, thin lips, I looked like a fucking rat. Hell he got jumped by eight guys because of me. But unlike me he was perfect. He was tall had beautiful curly locks, full plump lips, he was literally sex on legs. Every girl and guy wanted him. Why would I think he'd ever give me a second glance?

"Well, look what we have here." I opened my eyes, Zayn. "Long time no see Tomlinson." He smirked.

"Fuck off Zayn." I spat turning to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist and slammed me against the locker. He pinned my shoulders back and I couldn't manage to break free of his grasp. "Get the hell off of me Zayn."

"Hm, I don't think so." He raised his fist and I screwed my eyes shut waiting for the impact. His fist collided with my jaw and I winced in pain, almost dropping to the floor, right then and there. He then proceeded to hit me in the stomach, hard. Enough to make me want to throw up. He went back to my face and hit my lip, making it bust open.

All of a sudden Zayn's weight was thrown off of me. I opened my eyes and there Zayn was on the floor with a seething Harry hovering above him.

"Your bruises are just starting to heal, I don't think you want more." He growled as Zayn got up dusting himself off.

"Just remember Tomlinson, your boyfriend won't always be here to save you. So watch your back." He spat, rushing down the staircase and out of the building.

"Thank you." I panted, my heart beat still racing.

"Yeah, no problem. You should probably get some ice on those. The nurse left already, so I'll take you back to my place?" He asked shuffling his feet.

"Yeah, okay thank you."

"You already said thank you." He laughed, picking up his bag he must've dropped when he ripped Zayn off of me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and we walked back to his place. Surprisingly his mum's car wasn't in the driveway. "Where's your mum?"

"She's out running errands." He shrugged fumbling with his keys, but got the door open. He headed to the kitchen and grabbed me ice packs from the freezer. I sat down at on a stool at the bar.

"Off." He gestured to my shirt and I pulled it over my head, showing the bruise that was already forming on my torso. He brushed his finger tips over it making me hiss. "Sorry." He mumbled, pressing the ice pack to it.

"It's fine." I held the ice pack in place as he gave me another one for my jaw. He headed to the sink to wet a paper towel. He dabbed it on my lip to stop the bleeding.

"Does it hurt?" He whispered, removing the paper towel from my lip and placing it on the counter.

"Just a little." I whispered back. His eyes flickered down to my lips but quickly back up to my eyes. I didn't know what came over me but I pressed my lips to his gently. Our lips moved in sync. His plump ones fitting perfectly with my small ones.

The door opened and closed but we ignored it. "Harry? I'm home!" Anne's voice rang through the house causing us to break apart. She appeared in the door way and her smile was replaced with a frown. "Louis dear, what happened to you?"

"He just tripped on the sidewalk and busted his lip." Harry answered. I sent him a glare for making me seem like a total klutz.

"Oh that's unfortunate to hear. Are you all right?" Her eyebrows knitted together.

"Actually, I'm a lot better now thanks to Harry. So I'll be going now." I grabbed my shirt and ran out the door. I slipped my shirt back on, and immediately wanted to hit my head with a hammer. I'm such an idiot. Whatever we had left of our friendship I just destroyed.

I called the one person I could think of to talk to about this. We weren't exactly friends but he was the only person that wouldn't judge me and would just listen. "Hello?" His voice rang from the other line. I sighed thankful that he actually answered my call.

"Liam, I really need someone to talk to. Are you busy?"


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