Chapter 11

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Harry's P.O.V

The weekend was Unfortunately over and I had to deal with all the douche bags at school. I walked into the hell hole I called school and immediately felt funny. Everyone had their eyes on me. What the hell did I do now? I found Niall leaning against the wall looking at something on his phone. "Hey Niall, do you have any idea why everyone's staring at me?"

"You don't know?" His head snapped up from his phone.

"No, if I did I wouldn't be asking you." I sassed. He shoved his phone in my face, displaying a picture from the mall on Friday. But it wasn't just any picture, it was a picture of me and Ashton kissing. "Where the hell did you get this?" I yelled making Niall flinch, which doesn't surprise me. I could really do some damage when I'm mad.

"Some kid saw you two at the mall and took the picture. Then a girl said she was behind you two in line at the movie theater and said that you guys were on a date. Ashton apparently even payed for you." Niall explained. I could rip my hair out right now.

"Well what that one kid must've missed was me pushing Ashton off when he kissed me! Ashton got the wrong idea and thought I was looking for a relationship." I groaned.

"That's not what Ashton's saying." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is Ashton saying." I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. I swear I'm going to rip this kid to shreds.

"He said you two had a great date and he even fucked you afterwards. But Harry don't go–" I wasn't listening any more. I was bolting to go find this lying asshole.

He was with his buddies laughing about something Michael had said."You." I growled stomping over to him.

"What's a matter Harry? He fuck you too hard?" Stan snickered.

"Oh so you didn't tell them what really happened? Well allow me." I turned to face his friends. "We never had sex. In fact that wasn't even a date. That picture of us kissing was a few seconds before I shoved him off and rejected him."

I glared at him to see him staring at his feet. I grabbed him by his shirt making him look at me. "Stop fucking lying to people. Like I would ever fuck you." I spat shoving him against the lockers roughly. The bell rang and all of them scurried off to class. What a great morning.


The entire day was basically people asking me if Ashton and I were dating, it was getting pretty annoying. The only people who hadn't asked me about it were Liam and Louis, but that's because they were in there own little world.

Every time I saw them my heart shattered that much more. I so badly wanted to go tell Liam how his precious little boyfriend made out with me twice right before they got together, but that would just be low.

I walked up to my house and  noticed a figure sitting on my porch. I got closer and realized it was Louis. What is he doing here? I thought he hated me. He looked up, his eyes puffy and cheeks flushed. He had obviously been crying but why? "Louis?" I called drawing his attention to me.

"Hey Harry." He waved. I sat down on the porch next to him, as we sat in silence, except from me tapping my foot.

"What are you doing here?" I speak up, it came out harsher than intended but that was probably from all the shit I had to deal with today.

"I um, wanted to talk to you about something." He fumbled with his fingers.

"About what?" I already knew what. He was going to ask me about Ashton.

"Are you and Ashton really dating?" He looked up at me. "Never mind, it's none of my business."  He shook his head and stood up. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down.

"No it's fine. Ashton and I aren't dating." I shook my head.

"But there's a picture of you kissing." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"When we went to see the movie it wasn't a date. Afterwards he kissed me and that's when the picture was taken. But what they didn't get was seconds later when I pushed him off and told him I just wanted to be friends." I explained and Louis nodded.

"Well that's good." He mumbled to himself.

"Why?" I smirked. He looked up and blushed slightly, probably didn't want me to hear that.

"Erm, well Ashton is just not a good guy and um I'd hate to see you get hurt."

"Awe you care about me?" I batted my eyelashes.

"Of course I care about you Harry." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"So we're still friends?" I asked hopefully. He frowned a bit, but soon it turned to a smile.

"Best friends." He smiled brightly.

"Great, so you and Liam?" I changed the subject. I don't know why I ask, I know it's just going to break my heart when he tells me about their relationship.

"Yeah, well it's great. But I don't know how long it'll last, we're just really different. You know?" He looks at me.

"Yeah." I nod, trying not to smile. I know I shouldn't be happy that he thinks his relationship is going to fall through but I am. "By any chance do you want to sleep over tonight?"

"Yeah, that sounds great." He smiled.

"Great." I smiled back. "We should probably get inside its getting cold." It was sunset by now and it was September so it was a little chilly.

"Yeah." He chuckled as he got up offering a hand to me which I gladly took. We headed into my house and laid on the couch watching movies until we both ended up falling asleep. Maybe it wasn't such a bad day after all.


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