Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V

"Okay, so we can drink as much as we please since we're taking an cab home." Niall explained.

"Alright, but don't go crazy Ni." Louis laughed and I just rolled my eyes at the both of them.

"Harry?" I turned around and my face broke out into a smile.

"Ed!" I yelled before running over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"We're in town, visiting my grandparents. I didn't know you moved here!" He hugged me but automatically released. "Sorry, got a little excited."

"No it's fine I'm taking baby steps with people touching me. I've even been voluntarily touching people." I smiled proudly.

"That's great, Harry. I'm really happy for you." He hugged me tightly and for once I didn't flinch.

"Harry? Who's this?" I turned to face Niall and Louis.

"Oh guys, this is my friend from Holmes Chapel, Ed Sheeran." I introduced. Niall stiffened a bit recognizing the name being the friend that helped me through the whole rape situation.

"Hi I'm Louis and this here is Niall."

"Well it's very nice to see Harry's made friends. He's not to fond of people."

"How about we get some drinks?" I clapped my hands together, earning woos from all the boys.

We ended up drinking more drinks than any of us could count and were drunk off our asses. We began sharing embarrassing stories about each other. "No I'm serious, at our eighth grade graduation ceremony Harry tripped on the stage." Ed slurred and laughter erupted from all the boys.

"Oh shut up Ed. You know his first girlfriend broke up with him because when she tried to kiss him, he screamed and said she had cooties." I explained and the boys erupted in laughter.

"Seriously?" Louis choked out.

"I was eight!" Ed defended. "Okay Harry, what about when you had your first girlfriend freshman year? She was a slut and tried to sleep with you. But when you saw here boobs you cried in a corner for an hour."

"Ah yes when I realized I was gay." I shook my head.

"Wait you didn't get a girlfriend till freshman year? How is it possible for a charmer like you?" Louis smirked.

"Well Harry here didn't use to be like this. He use to be so innocent and oblivious. So many girls wanted to date him but he never realized, so they gave up." Ed shrugged.

"What made you change?" Louis asked and it went silent. Ed and Niall exchanged worried glances.

"Nothing." I mumbled. I glanced at my watch, it was midnight. "We better get going, you guys can crash at my place. I bet my mum will be thrilled to see you again Ed."

"It'll be great to see Anne again." He sighed. "Maybe if I'm lucky she'll be wearing that lovely robe of hers."

"Please don't talk about my mum like that." I cringed.

"Whatever Harold." He teased.

"Let's go." Niall rolled his eyes playfully. We nodded and left the bar. We stumbled into my house as quietly as possible and headed into my room undetected. Me and Louis took the bed while Niall and Ed shared the small couch I had in my room. By the time we were all situated, Ed had passed out and Niall was drifting.

"Hey Harry?" Louis whispered into the darkness.

"Yeah Lou?"

"I'm sorry if I struck a nerve earlier, I won't bring it up again if you don't want me to."

"It's fine Louis." I smiled and  stared into his eyes.

His eyes flickered down to my lip and I did the same. We looked back up and slowly moved closer. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. He closed the gap and pressed his lips to mine slowly.  I kissed him back as he tangled his hand in my hair.

He traced his tongue along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth giving him access. His tongue roamed my mouth touching every inch of it, causing me to moan into his mouth. We broke apart, gasping for air and sat there regaining our breath.

"Um, good night Harry."

"Yeah good night." We laid down and I'm pretty sure that Louis fell asleep but I couldn't. What the hell just happened?

"Psst, Harry." I turned to see Niall sat up with a large smirk on his face. "Don't think I didn't see what just happened, because I did. Have a good night." He smiled before laying back down. Oh great.


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