Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V

I stood there still from shock for awhile, until my mum finally noticed my presence. "Oh Harry, I didn't see you there. Your friend Louis dropped by and said you two had a project?" She put down her mug and walked over to me and hugged me. I immediately stiffened and she let go. "Sorry."

"Thank you for the tea Anne, it was lovely but me and Harry have to get to work." He stood up from the table and walked over to me.

"Follow me." I mumbled before heading upstairs, not bothering to check if he was even following. He walked in my room and I shut the door. "What the hell are you stalking me or something? How did you get my address?"

"I have my ways." He smirked. I rolled my eyes, cunt.

"I can't believe you would come here after sending your posse after me." I crossed my arms.

"My posse? I didn't tell them to do anything." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh so that's why I just got jumped in the school parking lot?" I scoffed.

"Wait a minute. Sif they jumped you, how are you standing here and not in a hospital bed?" He sat down on my bed and was clearly confused.

"Well after I took Zayn out most of them fled, but those who remained I fought off as well." I shrugged. "Just don't tell my mum. She made me move out here from being in too many fights."

"Man you must be really tough to take down Zayn." He blew out a gust of air.

"Whatever, anyway I finished the project last night so you can leave." I opened the door and pointed out.

"No way. You finishing the project just means we get to hang out instead of working." He smiled.

"Yeah no I'm good, thanks for offering." I smiled fakely before pointing out of the door again.

"Either we hang out or I tell your mum about your whole fighting issue." He folded his arms.

"You're such an ass." I grumbled before walking out the door.

"Just because I have an ass doesn't make me one." He called after me, making me roll my eyes.

"Where are we going?" He asked following close behind, a little too close if you ask me.

"The coffee shop down the road." I stated simply. "Mum we're going." I shouted. I heard a faint 'okay have fun' before I left. She didn't care that I was leaving, she was just happy I made a 'friend'.

We got to the coffee shop and sat at a table in the far corner. I sipped my coffee, not breaking eye contact with him making him squirm in his seat uncomfortably under my gaze. "What, you're going to force me to hang out with you and your not going to talk?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"What happened yesterday." He blurted, his eyes widening as realization hit him.

"I don't like being touched." I mumbled.

"Sorry." He whispered.

"It's not your fault. It's not like you knew." I shrugged.

"I'm still sorry. I made you uncomfortable." He sighed.

"It's alright." I gazed out the window wishing I could just get up and leave, this was so awkward. I turned back to Louis and he was looking down at the table. He looked back up at me and his eyes widened.

"Oh shit." He shrank in his seat and covered his face with his hand.

"What? What is it?" I whispered.

"My ex just walked in." He whispered back. Just then a man, around our age, approached our table. He looked way too familiar for my liking.

"Well, well, well. Louis Tomlinson." Louis straightened up in his chair and smiled fakely. "Oh that's all I get after all we've been through?" He pouted. He glanced at me. "Wow replaced me already."

"God James, were not on a date. this is Harry." He huffed.

"Harry huh? I'm James. James Corden." He smirked and I immediately frowned. Oh no.

James used to go to my school. He had dated Nick for a year or so, But then they both decided just to be friends. They became best friends and James ended up being the first to start teasing me after the incident, but he ended up get expelled for harassment and went to some other school. He stuck out his hand but I just glared at it.

"He doesn't like to be touched." Louis butted in.

"Is that so? You wouldn't happen to be Harry Styles. Would you?" James smirked. I immediately froze.

"Yes, his last name is Styles. Why?" Louis leaned over the table curiously.

"Oh you didn't see the news, about a year or so back?" James smirked again.

"James, you better shut your mouth before I shut it for you." I gritted my teeth. "You and I both know you don't want me to do that."

"I just thought Louis should know something about his boyfriend." He raised his arms in defense.

"James, if you don't leave in five seconds, I swear to god I will slam your face so hard onto this table it makes an imprint." I growled. He paled a bit but immediately recovered.

"Whatever, styles I've got to go anyways. I'm going to go visit Nick." He smirked before waltzing out the door. Just the sound of his name made me shiver, made my mouth go sour, made me want to want to curl up in a ball and cry. I could feel my eyes glossing over.

"What was that about? And who's Nick?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"James goes to my old school and Nick...he used to go to our school too." I tried giving as little information as possible, I didn't trust Louis one bit.

"Oh wait I know Nick. James introduced me to him a while back, but he got arrested for some shit." Louis said and I stiffened once more. "But wait what was he talking about the news?"

"I really don't want to get into that. Ever." I shut my eyes preventing the tears from coming out.

"Harry? Are you about to cry?" Worry was weaved into his voice.

"I'm sorry Nick is just a really sensitive topic for me, can we drop it?" I pleaded.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't realize." He reassuringly touched my shoulder and I jerked back immediately. "Sorry I forgot." He whispered.

"It's fine." We sat in silence until realization hit me. "Wait if James is your ex, does that mean your..."

"Gay? Yes I'm gay." He chuckled.

"Oh, me too." I took another sip from my coffee, that was now cold.



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