Into the maze

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(Y/n) pov
I stared longing to be a runner as tommy and Minho ran into the maze I sighed, keeping newts promise not to be a runner. I'm going to be a runner whether he likes it or not.
Newts pov
I saw (y/n) looking at Thomas and Minho ran into the maze, I hate seeing her sad, but I would rather see her like this than being injured as a runner.
Later that day
(Y/n) pov
"They should be back" I said eagerly, "they'll be back" newt said "but what if the walls close" I said, "they'll be back" I tried to calm myself with newts words but I don't believe him, "somethings there!" Someone shouted "it's them!" Another, then the walls started closing, NO!, "their not gonna make it!" "Wait, Minho's been stung!" The walls were about to close, at that second I decided to break my promise to newt and run. "(Y/N)!!!" Was the last thing I heard newt scream before I ran through the wall, and into the maze.
Newts pov
She's...gone. In the maze. No one survives a night in the maze. She'll survive, she's stubborn and smart, and when she's out of this situation, she is going to be in big trouble.
(Y/n) pov, I'm in the maze, in the maze, wow, "WHAT THE HELL, (Y/N)! YOU BASICALLY JUST KILLED YOURSELF" I smiled and then looked at Minho, instantly frowning, looking at his bloody head, "what did you do?" "I did what I had to do, cmon we have to go before the greivers come out" "what about Minho?! We can't just leave him about those vines?" He looked up and said "that would hold him, cmon lets tie him and hide" "ok"
"Almost done" screech "hurry up (y/n) the greiver is already coming out" "almost done" screech screech "you know what?! We have to go" and he ran, done! SCREECH shuck shuck shuck, I hid under the vines and his from the greiver, it passed right by me, whew, I got out and was looking around till slimy saliva dripped on my shoulder, gross, I shouldn't have looked up, but I did, a big fat greiver was right above me, I ran until I crashed into tommy "cmon (y/n)! The walls are about to ope-" SCREECH "RUN!" Tommy was ahead of me when another wall started to close "HURRY!" I waited till the greiver came "CMON YOU STUPID SHUCK FACE, COME AND GET ME, I MIGHT TASTE DELICIOUS!" I said waving my hands in the air screech it started running after me as I was running through the wall, SCREE- and then it got squashed inside the wall. I killed a greiver. "Cmon (y/n) were on the other side of the maze, we need to get going" "alright"
Newts pov
I have to find her the, walls started to open, when no one was looking I went in, not knowing a greiver was still out there.
(Y/n) pov
We were walking through the maze till we heard another screech, how could a greiver be out in the day? "We need to get out of here, NOW!" Tommy said with urgency "we have to get Minho first" "fine,but we gotta hurry"
we finally got him down when we found him, "alright let's get out of here" "agreed" "(Y/N)!" What is newt doing here? "Newt!what are you doing here?!" "What am I doing here, what about you?! You think you could just sneak in here and not expecting me to come after you?!" He said in a rage "well excuse me but I-" SCREECH the greiver is closer, "we'll talk about this later" newt said, great. The greiver started chasing us, newt was behind us, "hurry newt!" "I'm try-" the greiver got to him, "NO!" I started attacking it, trying to kill it, I finally did stabbing its head, "cmon newt" I said grabbing his hand. He was injured, I could tell.
We made it back to the glade just in time as the walls started to close. "Take newt and Minho  to the medjacks tommy ordered. Newt was hurt, because of me, I thought guilt seeping its way into my mind. I run to the forest, climbing in a tree, wishing the world could swallow me whole.
Newts pov
When I wake up from my injury gally said that (y/n) is missing which instantly worries me, where could she have gone? "We sent people in the maze to look for her,nothing,luckily nobody got hurt looking for her." "I'm gonna go look for her in the forest" "what?no your injured" "do you really think I bloody care about that?! I need to find (y/n)! Now help me up"
(Y/n) pov
"(Y/n)" you hear boys shout, and then I hear newt, trying to hide from because of the shame I feel of getting him into this mess, "found you" newt said making me jump, he hugged me after a while I hugged him back, when we pulled apart the fight happened "what the BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING (Y/N)! YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELF KILLED! OR OTHER GLADERS KILLED! WHEN YOU WENT MISSING GALLY SENT SEARCH GROUPS TO FIND YOU IN THE MAZE! YOUR LUCKY NOBODY DIED" this made me angry "OH REALLY?! IF I HADNT GONE IN THE MAZE MINHO AND THOMAS WOULD HAVE DIED, BUT I DID AND WE CANT CHANGE THAT NOW CAN WE?! NO WE CANT! IM NOT A LITTLE GIRL, NEWT I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF! JUST BACK OFF!" I immediately regretted saying those words the second they came out, he looked hurt, "fine, if that's what you want, i will leave you alone" "no, wait" he didn't stop, he kept walking "wait I didn't mean it newt!" He ignored me and walked out of the forest, leaving me alone, it's what I wanted right? No, I break down crying and wishing I never said what I did. It's too late now, I have to apologize, but will he ever forgive me?

Hello readers, it is I the author, I just wanted to inform you that the wonderful person who helped me with this chapter was xxkaraisboredxx she is awesome and comes up with great cliffhangers and twists, follow her she's amazing✌🏼️😁

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