Chapter 17

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Hi people this entire chapter will be in newts pov ok bye.
I remember it like it was yesterday
"Will you listen to my entire story?" "Yes newt, I will" (y/n) said with seriousness and concern in her voice.
"Okay, I used to be a runner just like Thomas and Minho, but when we found no exits to this bloody maze, I got so depressed that I didn't even want to live anymore, so I went into the maze and climbed to the very top, a-and I jumped off" she gasped "newt-" "I'm not done, I hated this place (y/n) alby found me, you and him are the only ones who know, I'm not a runner anymore I'm sorta glad about that, it's too depressing, never finding a way out, I thought about jumping off again until you came along, you changed me (y/n) you actually made me want to live just to see your beautiful face and talk to you" I was already crying but I didn't bloody care "I was scared to tell you this because I thought you would leave me, I mean who would love me if they found out the real reason I got this limp,who?" My voice cracking. It was silent for a long time "I would newt" she said taking me by surprise "I would love you even more, heck, I still love you newt, hiding this from me only made things worse but I do understand now why you hid this from me" "so do you forgive me?" She smiled that gorgeous smile "of course I do"

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