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"You look exhausted, you should rest" I say walking over to the poor little boy which was now cuddled up in the chair.

"I can't" he mumbled, laying his head on his hand which rested on the arm of the chair. I put my hand on his bare shoulder, he was ice cold.

"Yes you can Kian, take a nap and I will be back. You won't want to see what's going to happen baby boy" I give him a small smirk and smile.

"I'll forget everything" he bickered back sitting up "I'm fine Jc" he said pushing my hand off as I glare once again.

"Don't call me Jc you son of a bitch unless you want to be kicked out. You are fucking making the 'Alzheimer's Disease' thing up"

"Oh and what am I going to see? You and 'Dominic' butt fucking each other oh I'd like to see that. Maybe invite some of the guys below us upstairs to make a big show" he fired back making me shut up.

No one has ever stood up to me like he is. I like him, a lot.

"Alright don't take a nap, you want to come with? Maybe we can do it together" I held my hand out for him and he looked up at me like I was fucking stupid. I rolled my eyes knowing what he was thinking. "Not the butr fucking thing dumbasss, were save that for later" I smirk grabbing his hand pulling him up.

I scan his body and stop at his arms. "You're weak" I say grabbing his arm and running my finger over his cuts. I lift up my sleeve as well. "Together we will become stronger than ever" he intertwine our fingers.

Justin stop acting fucking soft. He's a stranger and he won't remember any of this. Thats why I need to take advantage of it.


"Bro bro calm down I don't mean to cause any trouble man" the middle aged man said. He's cracked up right now.

Powder covering his whole nose. He's a newbie.

"Bro put the fucking knife down" he called out but we ran up and immediately stabbed him in the stomach. Making him fall quickly.

"5th one tonight. Do you think we should stop" I look over at Kian which had a violent smirk on. He nods looking down at his knife, his whole mood changed once we killed the first.

He's not as soft as I thought he was. Its perfect.

"Hey stop right there!" We heard a policeman call out as we didn't mind looking back, we just hopped over the fence that was in front of us and ran for it.

"I like you Lawley" I say still running with him as we turned corners loosing him. He smirked over at me.

"Same goes for you Caylen"

He was violent. Sexy. And my type of person.

Just imagine how he'd do privately.

serial killers K.L - J.C (Jian)Where stories live. Discover now