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He nods. "He has lung cancer. He chose to not take the medication, so he had 2 months to live. 1 if he continues to smoke" he sighs.

I felt tears rush to my eyes, I refused to let them fall. He didn't tell me, why? I thought he loved me.

He does love me, maybe he was scared. I'm scared.

I go over to him, silence filling the room. The only noise is the deeping sound of his heart monitor.

"Why didn't you tell me" I say, the tears now falling. He turns his head to look over at me and sighs.

"I'm sorry Jc" he hardly said. His voice was gone.

"I will let y'all have some time to talk. And then we have to run tests on Mr. Lawley" we both nod our heads as he walks out.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me" I say with tears streaming still. He doesn't answer.

"I didn't want to make you sad, or mad even. I wanted to keep it to myself, I wanted to die peacefully without having to concern you" he spoke up quietly. A single tear falling from his left eye.

"You are taking that medicine!" I demand as he shakes his head fast. "You are taking that fucking medicine, I will not loose someone else I love from those stupid sticks!" I shout. Making him jump.

"I'm sorry" he spoke in a mumble. "They help me" he says closing his eyes and sinking into the bed.

"Bullshit" I say out of complete anger.

"I want to die already" he says flat out trying to reach for the cord to his heart monitor. I slap his hand away.

"No you don't, if you pull that cord you could possibly loose your breath again and they won't be able to get it back. Its connected to everything right now" I say holding his and but he yanks his out of mine.

He grabs ahold of his cord pulling it out of its socket quickly, grabbing ahold of his other breath tubes pulling them and closing his eyes.

A couple minutes later he grabs ahold of his neck gasping for air.

"Fuck doctor" I yell running out the room to get him but I didnt see him in sight.

"WHERE IS THE DAMN DOCTOR" I shout louder as I saw him and a nurse running toward me.

"What happen to Mr.Lawley?!" He panicked as I stand still, frozen from complete pain.

They push past me, the nurse sets me down as she rushing in with the doctor and slams the door shut locking it.

"Here's some water" a desk lady says handing me some as I take it shaking drinking it down.

I'm so scared.


It's been hours. It's dark and I've cried my tears out, I hate soft Jc. It isn't me, fuck it's never me.

I don't know why I am like this.

I'm worried about Kian.. What if he doesn't make it, what if he finally ended his life?

"Jc?" I heard the doctors voice, making me shoot my head up from a doze. I shoot up waiting for the news.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it"

serial killers K.L - J.C (Jian)Where stories live. Discover now