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- Kian

Its been a couple of days and I have no fucking clue what's going on. Me and Justin keep waking up in the same bed.

I'm not gay! I'm straight. Dating my girlfriend Andrea. I told that to Justin but all he said was no, he keeps reminding me that me and him made love.

Disgusting. He asks me stuff like 'do you want to go out?' With a knife in his hand, what the fuck is his problem? Planning to kill me.

"Hey baby" Justin said with a smile sitting beside me.

I'm so close to just going off on him, I'm fucking straight. He grabbed my hand making me sigh out in frustration.

"I'm not your baby" I growl. Making his eyes go wide and look down. I yanked my hand away.

"Dom I can't do this" he hollered standing up with tears immediately falling. I honestly don't fucking know what I did and I don't care.

He's obviously dreaming of me.

"What is wrong Jc?" Dom? I'm guessing sighs and comes into the room.

"I don't fucking care if he's right there or not I feel... Broken" Justin sobbed. "He's been on the ' I'm straight ' thing for days now. I shouldn't had even fucking fell for him" dom brought him in for a hug glaring over at me.

"Look dom? Jc? Whatever y'all like to be called. I'm straight, I like girls. I like my girlfriend Andrea! I can leave if you would like because honestly I have no idea why I'm here" I say a bit harsh ad Justin just continued to sob.

"It would be the best if you leave" dom growled at me as I nod standing up.

"Fine with me" I mumble grabbing the coat Justin said was mine and walking out.

"I feel fucking heart broken Dominic" I heard Jc mumble into Dom's chest. I walked toward the door, not regretting any of this.

- Dominic

He's so heart broken. Just like he was when Lia broke up with him.

Jaylyn was still alive, and there for him. Even though he always forgot the next day. She still was, crying each night while smoking her lungs away.

"Jc have you ever felt like this?" I ask. Thinking of something.

He shook his head. "He was something else. I loved him, I shouldn't had fallen. Knowing I wouldn't be able to help him, I want Jaylyn back. She would be able to help me" he cried out into my now dark gray sweater. From all the tears he left.

"He needs to get his heart broken. To remember it all, isn't that what happen to you? With Lia..." Every time I brought her up he'd either get mad or sad. This time it was different. He seems stronger.

He nods "fuck I'm a mess" he covers his eyes wiping his tears away. Let's go get Kian back.

serial killers K.L - J.C (Jian)Where stories live. Discover now