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"Please lay down mr. Lawley"  the Doctor smiled and I nod a bit. I was shaking like crazy. I need Jc, here.

I don't care if we fight or fought. He said he loves me, he should be there for me. "what are the results?" I ask fast. He sighed.

"I'm sorry to say this Kian, but your cancer is back. We can't cut if out this time, either you have to do the radiation or you have 3 months to live.." My heart dropped and so did Izzy's.

"Kian..." Izzy's voice broke and she broke down into tears. "Do the treatment please kian" she begged.

I shook my head. Refusing again. "I'm not taking the treatment doc" I Inform and he nods getting his paper.

"I'm sorry iz" I say to her and she stood up with now anger in her. She doesn't say anything, just walked out pissed as ever. I sigh as the doctor started to write down what I wanted. And needed.

- Jc

"Jc?" I heard Dom and question coming into my room, making me raise my eye brow "kian is at the door?" He says and my eyes go wide and I sit up.

"Why?" I question and he shrugged. "Let him in..." I add, not knowing if I'd regret it or not.

He nods turning back, I soon heard the door open and I saw kian run in and tackle me on the bed. Planting kisses all over me.

"I'm sorry J" he frowns and was basically hovering over me. "I remember, everything" he says and my eyes go wide.

"You do?" I smile small and he smiled kissing me quickly. I don't kiss back though.

"Kian I- you hurt me" I say breaking it. He looked directly in my eyes, guilt feeling them.

"I'm sorry Jc, I know I hurt you I didn't remember any of if until I went to Andreas" he sighed and I smelt the smoke on his breath, making me push him off.

"Kian why is there cigarette smoke in hour breath?!" I groan in anger "you're going to fucking get lung cancer!" I yell and his face went blank looking down.

"I know I am, but not for a while" he mumbled, as if I hurt him. I sigh in frustration and hug him.

"I'm sorry baby" I whisper and he hugged me back. "I'm going to be here, and we are going go make memories..." I trail, not knowing why that hurt him.

I felt him smile "of course we will" he whispered back.

Something is different about him.


This felt like a flop of a chapter.

serial killers K.L - J.C (Jian)Where stories live. Discover now