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- month one -

"Baby you've been leaving every 15th. Why?" I ask Kian coming into the room seeing he was laying down looking up. He shrugs.

"Something special my family does" he murmured. I smile small.

"Maybe I can join, I want to have a family with you" I bluntly say. He looks over at me.

"Maybe we can. But something different, like go to a cliff. We'll see" he has no emotion. I sigh, my smile going down.

I go over and straddle him. He looks at me slightly, then looks away.

"I'm not in the mood" he mumbled, I look at his arm and saw new cuts. I sigh again looking at my arm. Faint ones, old ones since two plus years ago.

It seems as if when I'm in the mood he's not, when I'm not he is. He's using me almost, but I know he's not. He loves me to much.

"Why are you cutting again" I whisper not getting off of him. He don't answer, closing his eyes and breathing out deeply.

"I love you" is all he says. Its what he ever says, I lay down on his chest but quickly sit back up. I smelt the smoke on him.

"Why are you doing this shit!" I yell, talking about his smoking and his cuts.

"Jc stop yelling at him. It soothes him" I heard Dominic say walking by. I glance back at him.

"Is he your fucking boyfriend Dominic?" I growl as he shook his head coming to a stop. "Then stop telling me what to do to care for him" I say with my glare easing up.

"Smoking, soothes him Jc! Let him do him" he defends. Kian just laid there, without a care.

"You don't know shit" I growl deadly at Dominic.

"Thank you Dom" Kian finally spoke loudly, scooting me off of him and he got up. He seemed pale but strong.

"You're welcome Kiki" Dom said back continuing to walk like he was. Kian had his cigarette pack in his front pocket.

"I'm going walking" Kian shouts shutting the door with his cigarette in his hand.

"What do you know" I ask getting up going after Dominic stopping him. He pulled his shoulder out of my grip.

"I know nothing, and for you to yell at him is wrong" he says with a stern tone. "You don't know what he's going through"

"And you don't either!" I yell.

He doesn't say anything just walks back around.

- Kian

The doctor said if I keep smoking my limit time can shorten. I am making Jc so mad when I'm leaving, for my appointments.

I'm sad.

He doesn't make me happy, like I thought he would.

I imagine Jc without me, he'd be perfectly fine. Just like he was before I left.

I wish I died from my abusive parents.

This pain is horrible, both mental pain and physical pain.

I can't do it. I can't tell Jc what's going on. I know Dominic is going to break soon.

I don't know what to do.


serial killers K.L - J.C (Jian)Where stories live. Discover now