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" what?" I ask, quiet. I saw him, on the bed... When they carried him out.

"Yeah he's being a fucking dick and lying to you!" He shouted out of complete anger.

"But.. I saw him" a frown grew apon my face. But a smirk grew on his once again.

"So did I. Walking fine out of the hospital with no injuries. You've wasted your damn tears over someone who doesn't even want you. He left you for a reason, a stupid ass reason" he stood up coming over to me " I should've told you sooner" he passed me. I stood there shocked as always, tears rushing down my face.

"No.. Dominic is lying.." I kept saying to myself, he was there. I saw him loose his breath and take his last one.. All over cigarettes? Fucking cigarettes!

"I'm not lying to you Jc, do you want me to take you to him?" I look back at him with an immediate nod. He nods motioning me to come with him.


What if he is alive?

Why would he do that to me?

I loved him...

I still do love him. Nothing will change that. Never.

We headed out the door, tears still coming out of my eyes. "Sh" he says grabbing my wrist gently. I wince.

We quietly walked toward the sidewalk and went down it. Where I had found Kian that day. He was right there...

Sitting on a trash can. Making out with some guy!

"See I fucking told you" Dom whispered. They were basically humping each other. God. I thought he loved me back.

I felt anger rush over me, my fists balled as I pushed past Dominic. Toward them.

They didn't hear me of course, all you could hear was their lips together.

"How the fuck could you do this to me!" I yell at Kian as loud as I could. He broke the kiss with him and looked over at me.

His eyes went wide... "J-Jc" he stuttered shocked as the guy smirks at me laying his head on Kians shoulder.

"Why did you yell at my daddy?" He smacked his gums laughing. Fuck.

"I thought you loved me!" I yell ignoring him. I was looking right at Kian, mad tears coming to my eyes.

"I-I do love you... Jc" he sighed glancing over at the guy. Apparently fucking not.

I laughed coldly. " you hurt me, Kian Lawley. I hurt myself because you FUCKING LEFT" I was shouting so loud at him. "But oh? I come here seeing you kissing some random ass guy. I shouldn't had let you into my life that day. I should've left you out like I did everyone else. Let you suffer on your own" I harshly say. "Stay the fuck out of my life like you planned" I walked away from them.

"Daddy its okay" his guy comforted him. Fuck, what did I do?

The right thing. I thought.

Was it? Shit I hope so.


Okay! So hey. I'm still here I'm still updating I haven't given up on y'all. I'm fucking blank :) I don't know what to do with this story.

serial killers K.L - J.C (Jian)Where stories live. Discover now