Unpretty - 21

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The lady doctor with a tight bun enters the room with two other doctors.

Only after I have seen them that I realize I must have called the last surgery center I went to.

They huddle around me and ask how I feel but I do not answer because I don’t know what to say. 

It’s a question simple enough but I cannot utter the answers to it simply because it’s all mixed up.

I feel physically weak and tired. I feel grateful and lucky that I’m still breathing, yet I feel anxious and scared at the same time.

I shrug my shoulders instead and look at them.

They tell me that I was unconscious for almost two weeks, that I am lucky I was able to call.

Slowly the doctor starts talking about my face and the surgery I went through.

We did our very best...

The moment I heard these words I knew I have failed. 

A nurse hands me a mirror after the bandages are removed from my face.

Unlike before, not a hint of fear or hesitation grips me.

I inhale before I lift the mirror to my face with trembling hands.

I look into the mirror and see a stranger stare back at me.

It’s a stranger that has stitches all over her face; the stitches too many to count.

A face that is still too puffy to recognize.

My face, altered, changed, different.

It is my face that is not quite my face anymore.

What have I done?

There are no tears and no pleading.

I purse my lips and nod as I let the effects of what I’ve done sink in.

I nod, bow my head and say I would like to go back to sleep.

After all, there is really not much to say.  The blame and the burden are mine alone.

The doctor places a hand on my shoulder as if to give me comfort.

Silently I hear them go out and close the door.

I close my eyes and force myself to sleep; this time, unconsciousness is my only ally and reality is the enemy.

I want nothing more but to sleep and forget.

I lay in my bed for hours and sleep would not come.

I hear the door creak open as two nurses enter the room.

I hear them bustle around me, the other one tapping on the computer while I feel the one replace my IV drip.

All the while I feign being asleep.

The nurses have never spoken a word while inside the room.

I hear shuffling of feet on the floor and the opening of the door.

Just as the nurse finally closes it, I hear words spoken.

…She was such a pretty girl; I can’t believe she did that to her face.

*bow* :D

Okay! forgive my stupid notes on almost every page, I just have to say this. Supposedly this is the ending but I made 2 extra pages, they're just sort of an epilogue so reading it is optional.hehe. It's alright to stop right here if you want. Thank you!

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