I will protect you.

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Venom was on the run from the law and Spider-man again. After getting severely injured, he decided to crash into some random apartment owned by the writer in-training Vivi Strauss. They strike up a friendship and even have dinner together. Hilarity ensues as she comes out the shower. What happens next? Find out now!
The bed issue was going to be a problem.

Vivi never had guest over or anything so she only bought the one bedroom apartment. But now that Venom was living with her, she would have to figure out how this would work. Thinking fast, she put a punch of blankets on the couch along with some pillows and made a makeshift bed. She took a step back and looked at her work.

"Not bad." She admitted to herself.

"Not good either," Venom replied, coming out of the shower. "But it'll do."

"You know you can sleep out on the terrace right?"

"Okay fine, I'll sleep on the couch." He plopped down on it, making some of the pillows leap up. "How come I can't sleep in the bed with you? It's a pretty big bed."

Vivi couldn't reply since her face turned tomato red at that comment. Venom gave her a curious look before watching her pick up one of the pillows and tossing it at him.


Venom only snickered as he grabbed the pillow and hurled it back at her. She yelped as the impact made her hit the floor. Growling, she picked up two more pillows.

"What's wrong? The symbiote is kicking your butt at a pillow fight?" Venom taunted, grabbing more pillows with his webs.

"You are so gonna wish Spider-Man had beat you." Vivi retorted as she and Venom engaged in a pillow war. Feathers flew, stuffing soared, and the laughter never ceased. For the first time in his life, Venom felt accepted and loved by someone. He was having fun and play fighting instead of running from the law and fighting for the death. He laughed as he saw Vivi's grin widening every time she smiled. She let herself go around him and wasn't afraid to assert herself either.
The night drew close to midnight when the pillow fight finally calmed down. Vivi was passed out on the couch, sleeping peacefully as she sighed contently. Venom didn't want to move her from her position, but he had to sleep on the couch. Ever so gently, he lifted her sleeping figure off the couch and walked her to her bed. He didn't get to see her room up close so this would also be a new experience for him to see. Gazing around on the walls, he saw posters of different artists and authors, pictures of her as a young girl, and different pieces of her works. Venom looked at a particular picture of her family. Vivi stood in the middle, smiling widely. Another woman with auburn hair sat in a wheelchair and smiled happily. Two children stood on both sides of the wheelchair. On the left was a young boy with red spectacles. On the right was a young girl with her hair in pigtails. He guessed the woman was her mother and the children were her siblings. Seeing her that happy made Venom wonder why she had such a tough demeanor. She seemed to had have a happy life.

Unlike me…she's never had to run from the law or fight any enemies.

Venom placed her gently down on the bed and sighed. She would've kicked him out if she'd known better. He caressed her hair, feeling all the waves running through his claws. Peter Parker would have to wait. Venom wanted a new change in life, perhaps it was time to change.

But what if any villains tried to attack her to get to him? She didn't know how to handle the crime in New York! He made a solemn vow to protect her, to make sure nothing would harm her. If she would write his story, then people would have no reason to fear him. He counted on her to make it happened, and he would help in any way he could.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't sense the intruder watching from the window outside. The figure grinned maniacally, red tendrils surrounding his body.

"So…Venom got himself a sweetheart! How cute and disgusting!" Carnage cackled. "I may have the ways of getting him to have a rematch with me after all!"

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