Planet Of The Symbiotes Arc 1

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Long ago, before the Earth was formed and humans were thought of, there were a group of beings known as the Celestials. Their purpose was to build a better universe and create all living life throughout it. Making planets and species to go alongside them, peace reigned in the galaxy for millennia.

However, this peace would soon be disrupted by the arrival of the Dark One himself, a being called Knull.

Knull was a bringer of chaos and anarchy, nothing survived the wars he would bring. To aid him in his conquest, he made beings that could take the shape of anything he pleased. A living sword of his first creation came to be known as All-Black.  An army of dragoniod creatures of red and black emerged from his hands, making his army massive.

He too created a planet like his brethren, a planet full of strange, black, sentient beings known as the Klyntars. He made them in his own twisted image, giving them no gender or purpose, but to attach and multiple themselves on the other beings of the galaxy.

It was all coming to plan for Knull, his army vast and his creations subservient. Now all he need was a being to rule alongside him, to serve as his partner till the end of time. Sure he had Big Mother, but she was too busy with her son to focus on any other forms of attachment.

And so Knull created another female that was tantalizing in her own special way. Her scent could attract any male symbiote who dared tried to taste her. Her long tendrils of raven black hair was easy to run his fingers through. Her form would be all out on display just for him to use. She would be revered by her subjects as the Shadow Queen.

Her name was......
____________________________________ queen of the night. The darkest star that blazes the galaxy and burns all in it's way.

The female symbiote gazed upon the primal planet that her partner had created and sighed unhappily. This was her birth place, but it felt so distant from the realm she inhabited with Knull. How she longed to meet the creatures and Klyntars who roamed freely on the world. The symbiote dragons that protected her stood off the side as the sounds of loud footsteps were heard. She knew that he wasn't in a good mood, suggesting that the Celestials had stopped another conquest of his.

Knull wrapped his arms around her, placing All-Black aside. Placing his face in her long, tendril hair, he found himself at ease from just her presence alone.

"Welcome back, my love." She said, placing a hand on his large one. "I see you have been in a bad mood. Do tell me what's going on and I shall soothe your worried soul."

The sound of aggravated breathing made her slightly shift in his arms. Would he be so mad to take his anger out on her?

As if her thoughts had been spoken aloud, Knull replied. Alas, I have been foiled again by the Celestials. Those fools think they can own the galaxy I also was birthed into. How they will rue the day they messed with me! Squeezing her arms, she let out a silent gasp. Hearing her distress, he rubbed her arms gently. I would never plan on hurting you, my fallen angel. You are my most prized creation, my other half that keeps me company. If anything were to happen to you, I would crush and destroy all who approach me.

"That might be so, but whose to say that one day the Celestials won't use me to get to you? My life itself is in danger." She clenched her hands around one of his and turned to face him. "My Lord, understand that I will perish one day and leave you behind. If I was given the chance to be reborn, I would forget all about you."

I knew these words would cause anger, but this was the truth. We were not promised tomorrow and I am not as immortal as my partner. Knull tightened his grasp on me, looking over the planet he created with a possessive look in his eyes.

Then I'll make sure whoever wants you as their own will die a slow and painful death!

Vivi gasped as she flew up in her bed, breathing hard and sweating furiously. It was three in the morning by the alarm's face. Eddie slept soundly beside her, his arms splayed out from her popping out of them. Holding her heart, she walked out the bed and gazed out the window to see the lights of the city.

What in the world was that all about? A dream....a past memory....but whose memory was that? She thought, rubbing her temples worriedly. Was this a shared experience with Ravage? What is she not telling me?

Not hearing her symbiote reply to her message of fear, she slipped back under the covers of her bed. Now her eyes were fixed on the ceiling, her heart refusing to calm down. If that was a memory, who was that dark and foreboding figure? What did he have to do with Ravage?

The question I should be asking is....who is Ravage?


So I decided to nyx the whole Disney arc as a whole since I really wanted to start working on this one! This is where all the pieces come into play and every element that built up to this moment starts working out!

Get ready for the season finale of Venomous Love, Planet of the Symbiotes Saga!


Next Time:

We're done Ravage, I can't live like this anymore! I didn't need you at all and I certainly don't need you now!

Vivi, will you do me the honor of letting me have your hand in marriage?

I can't wait to see you in New York honey! There's a whole lot of things I need to tell you.

Is it just me or does it seem that the sun is getting blocked out?

What the heck is happening? Is this all...symbiote?!

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