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*Happy Halloween guys! Enjoy your special chapter*

"So do you guys agree? We have to do this!"

It was the morning of Halloween in the apartment that they all shared. Eddie was excitedly trying to convince his new family that they should go out to celebrate the holiday. Vivi was all for the day, seeing as she got to make her special treats. Andrea was indifferent, she just didn't want to be seen wearing a lame costume. Max was eager to please his new maternal figure and agreed to hangout with her.

"That sounds wonderful Eddie! But it's already Halloween today, we won't have time to gather materials for costumes or buy some good quality costumes." Vivi said, worried that they won't look good.

"That's the best part guys! We are our own costumes!" Eddie said, making the others raise an eyebrow. "We go full symbiote!"

"You want our other sides to have fun for a whole night? I'm not sure this is a good idea Uncle." Andrea put out, looking up from her cellphone. "What if Spider-Man or the other heroes see us?"

"Guys, you realize that everyone will be wearing mask and costumes tonight too! We will blend right in!" Max said, getting more riled up. "I'm all for this idea."

"I too for that matter. The symbiotes need a break tonight. What a better holiday than the one where you dress up and scare people." Vivi said, getting up. "Great idea honey!"

Eddie blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks babe, I like to think that Venom made this idea possible."
Just doing this for the delicious chocolate...

"If this is a family decision, then I guess you can count me in." Andrea said, high fiving Max in the process. "As long as I get to scare the living daylight out of some little brats."

"Then let's go have some fun!" They all exclaimed, laughing as they let their other sides take form. Venom grinned at Ravage, Toxin, and Mania as they stood beside him.
Is it true that you just wanted chocolate Venom? Ravage teased her mate, giving him a look.
Venom turned away bashfully and rubbed the back of his neck. Eddie told me that this holiday involved candy and I have an affinity for the sweet since Eddie used to snack on it when he was bored.
Sounds like someone has a sweet tooth. Mania joked, sharpening her claws. How about we skip the treats and go straight to the tricks!
I'm confused, what's this Halloween you guys keep talking about? Toxin asked, now curious at what candy had to do with this.
Mania gave him a pat on his head. Not to worry, I shall teach you how to really party on this night of darkness!
The sounds of screaming children were heard all over Manhattan as they ran in group, dropping their bags of candy on the ground in fright. Costumes of different superheroes, monsters, and ghouls flew up from their bodies as black webs were shot at their heads. The parents were even scared of the miscreants that were causing chaos. More webs grabbed the candy bags and dragged them upwards to the tops of the building. Venom laughed as he dug into the candy bags and took out all the chocolates before tossing the rest to Toxin who was delighted at the haul. Ravage and Mania landed on the roof with more bags in hand.
What a haul this year! I scared a boy so bad he started peeing in his pants. Mania laughed, pouring out al,the candy on the roof.
You think that's funny? Some horny teens tried to hit on me until I bore my fangs at them and made the scream like girls! They called me a she-demon before I gave them something to fear as I tied them to the top of the EmpireState building. Ravage cackled like a witch before devouring a full sized Milky Way.
Great job honey, show them who's boss. Venom complimented, getting a kiss on the cheek. Best part about this is that Spider-Dork didn't spoil our fun!

"Hey symbiotes, shouldn't you guys be in some haunted house or something?" The annoying voice of a certain webhead made them all cringe. Spidey looked down at the group of aliens with eyes widen. "Where did you guys get candy? Aren't you a little old to be trick or treating?"

Quiet spider brat! Besides, Toxin never had a proper outing on Halloween. Ravage snarled, holding the symbiote in question close to her body. Can you bother us no longer for this night? We never get to have this much fun and we promise not to bother anyone else!
"Well...I'm not sure..." Spider began to say before getting cut off by Mania.
Here's the deal bug. We'll not bother the city for a two weeks if you let us have this night of enjoyment!
Spider-Man sighed and shrugged. "Fine, enjoy your Halloween candy, but I want no crime for two weeks and you better keenly our word!"
Venom was about to protest, before Ravage shut his mouth. Thank you for your patronage Spider-Man. Now run along and go stop some evils plaguing the city now. Let us have some fun for awhile.

Spider-Man shrugged before webbing away to go bother some other villain. Mania growled, snapping a lollipop in half. She couldn't believe that she had bargained the lives of her family for just one night. Toxin patted her arm, making her anger go down a bit.
You did a good job Mania. Thank you for saving our Halloween. He said shyly, stuffing his mouth with candy corn. Mania rolled her eyes, but leaned against him as if he were an older sibling to her. Venom watched this and smiled. Ravage wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes in a relaxed nature.
Happy Halloween Venom...She said silently, enjoying the warmth that radiated from his body. The sound of smacking broke her thoughts as she glared up at him eating more chocolate.
How many chocolates did you have?

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