She's a Mania ACK!

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*Who's the new girl? Is she going to be a major threat or a new ally? This teen is lean and mean and she's got a bone to pick with Vivi! Why's she teamed up with Anti-Venom? Learn about her more now!*

"Come on Uncle Eddie! We're gonna miss the show!"

The young girl laughed as she tugged on the shirt of her young uncle, who smiled fondly at her. They were spending the day in Times Square, Eddie treating her to a day of fun. His newspaper job had given him a raise and he decided to spend it on his favorite niece.

"Andrea, wait for me! Don't run out into the street!" Eddie said, grabbing her hand before she could walk into the crowded streets. "You could've gotten hurt!"

"Sorry Uncle Eddie! I didn't know about the road! Please don't be mad at me!" The little girl sniffed, tears running down her face. Eddie bit his lip as he picked her up and comforted her by rocking her back and forth. Andrea stopped, feeling him wipe her tears away with a small wipe.

"I'm sorry that I frightened you. I just wanted you to stay safe. I wouldn't know what to do if I ever saw you get hurt." Eddie said, kissing her on the forehead. "You're my only niece after all."

"Okay Uncle Eddie!" Andrea smiled, hugging him. "I promise to stay safe and keep you safe too!"

Eddie ruffled her hair, the girl giggling. "How can you keep me safe when you live in Pennsylvania?"

"I'm gonna move here to New York and live with you!" Andrea declared, pumping her fist. "Mommy and Daddy can't say no to my cute face!"

"I'm sure they can't. Now come on, we have a show to see."

Eddie placed her down and walked across the busy street, Andrea holding his hand tight.

"You look out of it tonight. What's up with you Gramps?"

Venom blinked, his fist hovering over the criminal's face. Toxin and him were out on a spree, a crime fighting spree of course. Spider-Man may label them as criminals, but they were really helping out in the shadows of the city. So far, they had taken out a chunk of the criminal underground alone!

"I'm just thinking about my past before all this Venom nonsense." He said, flexing his fist. "I used to be a photographer, had a stable job, and a cute niece."

"Oh really? Is she older and have a boyfriend?" Toxin joked, swinging on his webs to catch up with his bulky companion.

"I haven't seen her in years. She's probably a high school girl with tons of friends and a social life." Venom replied back, his thoughts drifting to Andrea once more. "If she were to see me today..."

They stopped swinging, landing near a police station to drop off the punks they had beaten. Toxin left a note to tell them who they were and what they did. People trusted him more than they trusted his massive grandfather. Venom watched him do this and sighed. Maybe after Vivi came back from her girl's night out, they could snuggle on the couch and watch some cheesy romance movies. He imagined them eating some ice cream and joking about the day.

"Earth to Venom, come on let's go!" Toxin called, shaking him from his stupor state. Venom nodded and followed him, thinking about how much fun he would have with Vivi as soon as he got home.


"Thanks for inviting us to the show Gwen! This was an amazing night!" Vivi said, licking her vanilla ice cream cone.

"No problem! It's the least I could do since you needed a break from your already hectic life." Gwen took a second lick of strawberry ice cream. "MJ told me that you had a boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend?" Anya squealed, sipping her chocolate milkshake. "Spill the details chica!"

"Anya this isn't our business to know." Cindy chided, biting into her cookies and cream. "But I'm curious to know who you're dating too."

"He must be really cute if your face is turning red." MJ joked, poking Vivi's burning cheeks. "At least give us a name of your beau."

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you!" She was already put on the spot as they walked down the street towards Times Square. "He's a nice guy who lives here in the city and he's well-developed."

"Must work out a lot!" Anya whispered to Gwen, making the blonde giggle.

"He helps me with the groceries, writing, and even keeps me safe in this rough city!"

"Sounds like you found a keeper!" MJ grinned, shaking her head playfully. "So what's the guy's name?"

"His name is-" She didn't get that far before webbing shot out at her, wrapping around her body. Vivi screamed as she was launched into the air, dangled upside-down. "What the heck is going on?"

I'm sensing some other symbionts in our area! We need to transform! Ravage said in her mind, the symbiote panicking a bit.

"I know, but not with the girls around!" Vivi whispered, her eyes looking down at the forming group underneath her. With a redden face, she covered the area where her panties were showing. She could already see the camera phones being taken out to get a glimpse!

"Looks like you'll be hanging around for awhile!" A snarky voice said behind her. Vivi turned around to see a black figure with white eyes, spiked hair, and black boots sneering at her. She gasped, recognizing the familiar white spider on her chest along with the long slimy tongue.

"You look like a Venom copycat hun." Vivi said, eyeing her costume. "What? They ran out of Spidey suits?"

"For the record, I could always cut you down and let your corpse mangle itself!" The symbiote threatened, her claws coming close to her face. "I was told to keep you alive for now, but that can easily be changed."

"I feel like I'm getting threatened by Venom's midget sister. Who are you anyway?" Vivi snapped, getting slightly irritated and feeling a head rush coming on.

"The name's Mania, and I know all about you Vivi Strauss or should I say Ravage!"

Vivi eyes widen. OH CRAP!

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